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Saturday, February 8, 2025

What to do with Old Books

What to Do with Old Books? Try This Stunning DIY Book Makeover

Looking for creative ways to upcycle old books? Try this DIY book makeover with clay molds and paint! A fun project to give old books new life.

Old Paperback book from Jude Deveroux

If you've ever wondered what can I do with old books, then this is the post for you. How about turning those old books into home decor? What? Why yes, we've been working with what we have here, and old books are a plenty.  

I recently thought I have the best idea in the world, only to see said idea fell short. 

Well, if I've learning anything in life, it is not to give up. Some may say I am stubborn like that, and others think I just never give up... I will tell you a secret, it is because once I dig my heels in, I am not letting go until I get my idea to work.

Well... it sometimes happens that way. ha!

Before Christmas, I purchased a clay mold with birds on it. Only when I began working with the mold, the clay stuck to the mold even when I added a bit of cornstarch and I could not get the detailed leaves, branches, and birds to release.

I was frustrated to say the least. I am sure I am a lot like you, when I purchase something I expect it to work the way I think it should.

In all honesty, I am not sure if I picked up the foam air dry clay when I began working with this mold, but I can tell you the Crayola clay worked so much better when I gave the bird mold a second try.

If birds are your thing, and you have a multitude of books lying in wait like me, then read on to see how this little ole' project worked out in the end.

What to do With Old Books 


  1. Bird clay mold
  2. Crayola clay or other air dry clay, just do not use foam air dry clay
  3. Paints of your choice, I used small paint pots from my various paint by number projects
  4. Corn Starch
  5. Titebond Wood Glue
  6. Small paint brush
  7. Chip brush
  8. Ivory Chalk Paint
  9. Old Book


  • Begin by applying cornstarch onto the mold, then create the clay cast birds, branches, and flowers
  • Place them on the cover of the book to figure out placement as you create the clay pieces
  • Apply Titebond wood glue to the backs of each clay cast, and put back into place on the cover of the book
  • Stipple chalk paint over clay and book cover and spine, allow to dry
  • Paint the back of the book same as above, allow to dry
  • Paint birds, branches, flowers, and leaves with leftover paint by number paint pots or paint of your choice
  • Apply antique gold rub-n-buff to the details of the birds, flowers, and branches, this is optional


  • This particular mold works best with a more substantial clay such as the Crayola clay I used. The foam air dry clay was too soft to work with the many details.
  • I keep all of the paint pots that come with paint by numbers I work on. You can even mix paints from these pots to create new colors if you choose.
  • In order to get the mold to release the clay, turn it over, and slowly peel back the mold, the clay will release. Peel clay away slowly to prevent details being damaged. 
  • I began by applying the molds instead of painting so the clay casts would stick to the book cover 
  • Something I did not account for was the raised letters on the book, not sure why I did not think about it, but the thought did not enter my mind. I just embraced the raised lettering and made it a part of the book cover by adding antique gold rub-n-buff

Old romance novel covered with clay cast bird

Old book covered with clay castings

clay casts added to cover of old paperback book

creating clay castings with bird mold

chip brush painting old book with ivory chalk paint

old book with clay castings painted with chip brush ivory

painted cover of old book

painted tin can with paint pots inside
My paint by number paint pots 

painting clay castings with green paint on leaves

painting birds beak with small paint brush

painting flowers with small paint brush

bird body and flowers on branch

bird close to landing on branch of flowers

applying antique gold rub n buff to bird feathers with small paint brush

green leaves highlighted with antique gold rub n buff

I hope when you wonder, what can I do with unwanted books, now you will give them a new life in your home. 

completed upcycled old book with bird castings sitting on top of china cabinet with a spool of thread beside it

upcycled old book sitting on top of china cabinet with winter decorations and pine in the background

Where my books came from

Before my Kindle was joined to my hip, I used to frequent Half Price Books. I have purchased so many books over the years, from decorating books, romance novels, to murder mysteries, and DIY books, the list goes on.

Once my husband gifted an iPad to me, well, the book store purchases went to the way side. I discovered Kindle, and wow, a whole new world was at my fingertips. On average, I read close to 100 books a year. I know... crazy huh?

Well, what else is a gal to do when she cannot sleep at night, and everyone else is sleeping soundly in their beds? She reads, that is what she does. 

I have found psychological thrillers are my go to these days, and so when I looked at this romance novel, I knew it needed a make over. I can still read it if I choose, but I won't, I know me. The romances just do not make my heart go pitter patter anymore. 

old book with clay castings of birds, flowers, and branches sitting on top of painted book on wood coffee table

Here is More 

If I was into podcasts, I would be listening to murder pod casts non-stop. I pay attention to the details, if I could work on solving cold cases, I would do it in a heartbeat.

So, since I promised more this year, I am sharing with you a few books I have read recently. I am one of those who is always trying to figure the end out before I get there, and I was surprised by the completion in several of my most recent reads. Finally, authors who can surprise me!

If there is interest, I will share more books with you. I know several of you have Kindle Subscriptions, and so all you need to do is click the link and then add to your library. 

If you do not have a Kindle Subscription, and I will admit, I was skeptical a few years ago, and would buy all of my books. Now? Well, I can read as many books as I like for one price every month, plus I have subscriptions to many magazines through my Kindle that are also included in the one price! Trust me, it saves me money this way, I read a lot! 

More Reading Recommendations for Thriller Lovers

Looking for more book crafts? Check out my How to Make Over Book Waste Not, Want Not, or Craft with Books Simple DIY Idea for more book crafting ideas. Love to work with book pages, I have just the idea, click to read: No Florist Christmas Flowers and Decoupage Easter Eggs to see how I reused old book pages. 

DIY & Crafts Easy Creative Craft Projects and crafts to create

 Craft the Day Away,


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  1. This is beautiful! So creative!

    1. Thank you so much Susan, 2025 is all about working with what I have. I hope others are inspired to do the same this year.

  2. Love this Cara! It’s a great idea and I love how it turned out. XO- MaryJo

    1. Thank you MaryJo! Happy to get another item out of my stash.

  3. That is just beautiful. Cara. I love the colors and the texture!

    1. Thank you Ann, I have an entire basement to upcycle, so one book doesn't make a dent, but it's a start. ;)

  4. What a unique idea, it looks so wonderful! I do not currently have any unwanted books, but when I do a clear out and find some, I will have to give this a try!

    1. Thank you Molly, I seem to be a collector of sorts, and have a home full of items I can make over. My pile seems to add with family members passing their items on to us too.

  5. Such a unique and fun idea! Your book looks so pretty now! I adore using clay and molds and will definitely try this sometime!

    1. So glad you liked this one Donna, I had a lot of fun creating it. One of these days I may get around for the true intension of the mold, but for now, I will enjoy my small scale projects using it now.

  6. Cara,
    I have to say that I am so impressed with your artists!! What a wonderful transformation!!! Very pretty!! Thanks for sharing!! I hope you are having a great week!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

