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Monday, September 11, 2023

Halloween Decor Ideas

Embracing Creative Chill Time: Halloween Decor Ideas 

Unwind and Let the Creativity Flow - Halloween Crafts Galore 

Do you remember when I confessed to having a tough time relaxing?  Well, my friends, that struggle is real, and it hasn't budged an inch.  But here's the thing - I've come to realize that relaxation, for me, often comes wrapped in a bundle of creativity.  So, as I carved out some well-deserved downtime, I also found myself knee-deep in DIY Halloween projects.  While these aren't your typical tutorials with a million step-by-step photos, I did snap a few pics to spark your own Halloween inspiration.  

The Wreath of All Wreaths 

Among my many crafting adventures, wreath-making stands as a soothing repetitive task.  Eight rolls of deco mesh ribbon from Jo Ann Fabric, a Halloween sign, and whole lot of creativity led to the creation of what I'm dubbing my favorite wreath of all time.  There's just something about the lush, full wreath that speaks to my soul.   

Anything remotely apothecary related seems to have an irresistible pull on me. Case in point - this captivating sign.  Initially uncertain whether to add it to a wreath or create something entirely new, it eventually found its place among the Halloween decor inspired inside this wreath.  

Unearthed Treasures 

Remember that tub of inspiration bestowed upon me by my friend's wife?  Well, it's still very much in use.  Among its treasures, I unearthed a Trick or Treat sign, sparking the birth of yet another Halloween wreath.  

Blooming Bravery 

Feeling adventurous, I decided to venture into floral arrangement territory with a brass-looking compote bowl.  No pressure, just pure fun.  The resulting fall-inspired arrangement features feathers for added height and an overall whimsical touch.  

A Macabre Masterpiece 

Inspired by a plastic tablecloth adorned with skeletons, I decided to craft a tin can masterpiece.  Filled with faux dead flowers, Spanish moss, and even some strategically placed bones, it became a piece of Halloween drama that surprised even my mom. 

The Smurf Invasion 

Our backyard unexpectedly turned into a Smurf paradise with a mushroom invasion.  While we've been treating the front yard, the backyard remains chemical-free to ensure the safety of our grass-munching pup, Bentley.  Sometimes, Mother Nature has her own plans.  

Dreaming of Vintage

As we embarked on a scenic drive, my heart skipped a beat at the sight of a vintage WV wagon.  It's my dream car, after all.  Vintage cars hold a special place in my heart, and I often find myself immersed in the world of classic automobiles, admiring their timeless beauty.  Do you?  I watch the Barret-Jackson Auto Auctions every chance I get, and always find a new gem to fall in love with. 

And there you have it, my friends - a glimpse into my world of relaxation, creativity, and a newfound love for Halloween decor.  It seems I'm going all out on Halloween this year, a bit of a surprise even to me.  Sometimes, creativity finds its path in the most unexpected places.  

Ideas and Inspiration 

I hope these snapshots of my creative endeavors have sparked some ideas and inspiration for your own Halloween adventures.  Whether you're crafting a spooky masterpiece or simply enjoying the creative process, remember that the journey is just as important as the final result.  Until next time, may your relaxation come with a side of crafting, and may your dreams be filled with vintage station wagons, or at least mine will be.  Happy crafting!    

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  1. You're certainly ready for Halloween, Cara. Fun ideas!

    1. Thank you Ann, the wreaths keep me busy since they take a while.

  2. Your apothecary wreath for Halloween is so cute! I have been wanting to make something similar! Thanks for the inspo!

    1. Glad you liked it Niky, I think it is my most favorite wreath yet. It is nearly two feet wide!

  3. Looks like you are having a blast and letting your creative juices flow! Love the apothecary sign and the wreath you made with it! Your flower arrangement with the feathers is gorgeous! I' found some feathers in the Spring in the clearance section at Michaels and plan to use them somehow this fall! Take care, Donna

    1. Thank you Donna, I love feathers, I even used them in our wedding. I have worked on a few things here and there, but nothing too extravagant. I am working on our bathroom design, roadblocks keep coming up along the way so then I need to make changes. It's a bit frustrating.

  4. Lots of fun Halloween decor ideas! Those wreaths are fabulous.

    1. Thank you Joanne, I find wreath making to be relaxing. I am thinking I am getting too many around here though, so I may need to find new homes for them.

