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Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Creative Upcycling: What can I do with a chicken broth container

Creative Upcycling: Transforming Chicken Broth Containers into Unique Storage Items

Discover the art of upcycling as we show you how to repurpose chicken broth containers into a variety of useful and creative items.  Learn how to give these containers a new life while reducing waste and adding a touch of eco-friendly style to your home.

Upcycling is a wonderful way to give new purpose to everyday items that would otherwise end up in the trash.  In this post, we'll explore the endless possibilities of upcycling chicken broth containers.  By repurposing these containers, you can not only reduce waste, but also unleash your creativity and add unique eco-friendly touches to your home.  Get ready to dive into the world of upcycling as we share several fun and practical ideas for transforming chicken broth containers. 

Ready for another edition of Trash to Treasure?  Yes you say?  Well, I have a strange one to share with you so stay with me.  Do you recall when I shared that I had been placing everything on the counter and taking a long look at items before they are chucked into the trash?  Well, I have been at it again...

As I was making dinner, and about ready to throw away a chicken broth container, sorry, it is a habit, I said okay, let's make this interesting.  What can I use this for?  Then I thought, today is your lucky day little container, no trash bin for you.  Check out what I made.   

upcycle containers

Yep, I said we were doing strange today... trash for treasure, so if you can look past this piece of trash and see something else then we are on the same wavelength.  I cannot wait to share all the ideas with you!


My first thought was whatever I do with this, I think I need to cover it since I did not want the chicken broth graphics to show through.  When I began painting over this carton I noticed right away that it was going to be like the glass from our tissue holder.  Slick little stinker that it was... so I began blotting my paint on.  It did not really cover so well over the container though, but I decided we will figure it out as we go! 

I am sure for those of you who are crafters would tell me to use chalk paint, but I like to share things for others who may not have that on hand.  I am a simple kind of gal, and I try to keep things simple for anyone out there who may also enjoy crafting as a hobby, or upcycling items around their home. 

diy crafts

Since I have been shunned to the basement, I went down to look over what I had in my super secret stash.  Yes, hubby no longer wants to look at the dining room as a craft room.  I cannot say I blame him, but you know sometimes a gal has to do what a gal has to do.  The lighting is terrible downstairs, and I feel like I am in a cave most of the time.

No access to daylight stunts my creative growth... just kidding, just being mildly dramatic...  geesh, it is like he doesn't even know me!  But you do have to agree good lighting is necessary for me to share what we are working on, right?  


I took a box cutter and carefully removed the top of my chicken broth container by cutting along the fold at the top where the top of the container is.  Then I saw this lovely paper in the basement and had an idea!  

sustainable living

I cut my paper to size and began wrapping it like a present, only I left the top open, I mean how else are we going to be able to get access to this new storage caddy unless we did, right?

recycling projects

I wrapped the closed end of the container with tape, just like we would for a present, and then you can see I had a bit of paper at the top below standing up above the end of the carton.

trash to treasure ideas

I folded the cut ends over the top, and then made a few more cuts in the paper so it completely folded down inside the carton smoothly.  The jagged edge of the chicken broth carton would be totally covered up with a nice folded paper edge.  I am not the best at cutting with a box cutter, and I was totally happy it did not end in an ER visit and cut fingers.  

Eco friendly crafts

Ta da!  Do you see what we have here?  No?  Well, I will show you... 

Trash to treasure

Well, I saw a vase.... I know, it is my usual go to when I am making something, isn't it?  I have found flowers are so pretty and really make me smile when I see them sprinkled throughout our home.  They just brighten my days, and who couldn't use a bit of sunshine inside the house?  I was pretty stoked about how it turned out since it definitely no longer looks like a chicken broth container, does it?


I kept fussing with my flowers, but think about it... you could put real flowers with water inside this lovely new vase of yours since it held liquid once upon a time, it will hold liquid again!  How cool is that?  If you are worried about the paper getting wet, then you can cover it with a coating of Mod Podge to keep that paper safe from water.  

When it comes to ideas for upcycling, your creativity is the limit.  Since I was a child, I would look at something, and see something else.  Odd child?  Maybe, or just an outside the square box thinker here.  I can't say for sure yet.  

Creative recycling

Then I had more ideas and thought back to the bag we made from paper, and said hey, what about a gift bag?  It could totally be a gift bag for any upcoming occasions we may have.  You can add handles to the bag like we did with the bag-a-lope!  

Do you ever notice in your stash of gift bags how they can get crinkled and torn when storing them?  Well, this would not happen with this gift bag since it is formed by the container and stands upright on it's own.  Oh, and I always find when you need a gift bag, it is always at the last minute, and I am like great!  No time to stop off to purchase one, or I will be late.  Late or unprepared?  Why not make a few of these up and keep on hand?

For our gift, I simply took a paper dinner napkin and used it as my tissue paper.  We have so many left over napkins from our wedding reception, and I have been wondering what am I supposed to do with them?  Well, tissue paper it is for this project.  More coming at a later date with how to use those leftover wedding napkins.

Easy upcycling ideas can be just whatever you do not want to add to a landfill.  There does not need to be any special way to give an item a makeover, I just enjoy making everything look pretty around our home.  You could paint this container, but I am not so much talented in that area of life so I find other ways to make things look pretty.

What can I use as a utensil holder?  Well, how about our chicken broth container?  I even solved the issue of keeping it upright on a windy day outside.  

Add marbles or stones from the Dollar Tree if you do not have anything else that can weigh down this new silverware caddy.

You could add dividers with cardboard if you wanted to keep your silverware separate, but I just threw in what I needed.  I think I would add the ribbon handles to this if it were staying as a caddy permanently too.  Add hot glue to the ribbon to keep the handles on the inside.  You could even give it a bit more pizzazz with decorations, or wording.  

Yep, even a utensil crock!  It works, and I did not need to add any weight to the bottom to keep it upright.  I would add Mod Podge if you decide to do this since it will protect the paper, and let's face it, sometimes the kitchen can become a bit of a mess.  Mod Podge can work wonders in the kitchen, don't believe me?  Check out how we made over our backsplash.   AMAZING, and still going strong!

When we purchased our home, there were two clothes lines in the basement.  I thought odd, who uses those anymore?  Well, can I tell you how much I use our clothes lines now?  Every. Week.  That is how much I use them.  You could certainly put your clothes pins in this storage caddy.

One of my favorites here lately is storing paint brushes.  Who knew I had so many?  I do receive several every time I purchase a paint by number kit, but I also had way more than I thought I had!  I have them strung out between three floors!  I have been working on consolidating everything to the basement a little at a time, but wow, what a project it has become, and never-ending to boot.  

If you are wondering what else you can use this chicken both container for, I have even more ideas!
  • Pen/pencil holder, you can simply cut down the sides to create a shorter container so the pens and pencils can easily be picked out from the container
  • If you are an avid crafter, you can even store small items like beads or buttons
  • Hairbrushes, or even make up brushes in the bathroom, just weight them down like we did above for the silverware if storing hairbrushes 
  • How about scrunchies?  Oh yes, I have jumped back on the scrunchie bandwagon from my youth.  I love them once again.  They are so much easier on my hair than the black elastic bands I was using.  My issue was a certain pup around here kept running off with them, but now I have them all contained, so much better!
  • Store your meds inside it on the counter.  The one thing I hate is having my meds out on the counter, if you have a visitor everyone sees them, and that just isn't pretty.  If I do not have them on the counter then I forget, out of sight, out of mind for this gal.  It is the perfect place for me to store my inhalers since they all fit down inside our caddy. 
  • How about a piggy bank?  Simply cover the top as you would a gift, and create a slot for coins to be inserted.  Let the kids get creative in creating their very own custom piggy bank.  

Do you see how the sky is the limit with this one chicken broth container?  I love saving money, and as you can see, I have been looking at things in unique ways here lately.  I am saving the landfill, saving money, and adding quirky touches to our home, what could be better?  

See what you can come up with, and give us a shout out what you create or think of to make over a chicken broth container.  I have had so much fun with this one little container turned storage caddy in so many different ways!



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  1. You are a gal after my own heart, Cara! These ideas are fabulous. Let me know if you ever want to join our hop!

    1. Thank you so much Ann. I would love to join you for a hop, hop, hop. I had a lot of fun with this one.

  2. Now this project is truly thinking outside of the box! way to go Cara. Love your creativity friend.

    1. Thank you so much Wendy. I have been having so much fun pushing my limits in the creativity department while trying to reduce my carbon footprint. It has been interesting to learn how much we really can reuse around the house.

  3. What a lovely idea. I would probably use one of those box wines to do something similar to store all those paint brushes I have lying around.

    1. I like the idea of using a box wine Michelle. I never knew exactly how many paint brushes I had until I began corralling them all together. They add up quickly! Thank you for visiting today.

  4. I love a good upcycle! This is a beautiful arrangement from what would've been trash! I'll be featuring your post on tomorrow's Crafty Creators. Hope to see you there!

    1. Thank you so much Niki. I keep coming up with uses for trash, and totally enjoying myself through the process. Thank you for the feature as well.

  5. What a genius idea - WOW, your creativity is awesome. Love this idea and will surely have to try this out myself.
    I visited you via Let's Get Planting at All About Home #197
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    We hope to meet you there virtually.

    1. Thank you Slabs, I have had so much fun using items typically slated for the trash and giving them new life.

  6. OH I absolutely love this Cara. I'm all about keeping things out of the landfill. I love the fact that it is a water tight container. You might see me do this with a few containers marching down the center of a table for a tablescape design in the future. Thanks for the inspo friend! XO- MaryJo

    1. I am so glad you liked this project, I have been getting out there in left field lately with the ideas. LOL. I can't wait to see what you come up with, I know it will be stunning whatever it is!

  7. What a great idea to use a broth box to decorate and store items.

    1. Thank you Kippi, I have some odd ideas every now and then, but I knew I wanted to keep this one out of the trash and see what I could come up with.

  8. Great Idea to repurpose the broth container. Very pretty vignette

    1. Thank you so much Colo Junkett! I had so much fun working on this project.

  9. This is a super creative idea! I love the notion of creating 5 or 6 of them and using them to hold flowers that you plan to give as hostess gifts. And -yeah- geesh - I would need some natural light for my creations too! Thank you for sharing this with the Home Imagined Link party.

  10. Thank you so much Anna, I have enjoyed myself in making over items slated for the trash here lately. Getting out of my comfort zone and making myself see things in a new light has really helped in being more creative.

  11. Hello Cara! We're excited to tell you this post will be featured tomorrow on the Fabulous Friday Link Party! We hope to see you there!

    1. Thank you so much Donna, I am honored to have it featured. I keep coming up with crazy ideas, more to come soon. Thank you again for featuring this one.

  12. So many great uses! Great job of thinking outside the box -- the broth box! (lame, I know🤭)

    1. You made me laugh Diane. I have enjoyed myself thinking outside that box here lately.

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Susan. I have become more eco-minded here lately and have really enjoyed myself in creating new uses from trash. It has helped in boosting my creativity in new ways, and I can't say I do not love it! Thank you for visiting today!

  14. Hi Cara! I know I commented already but just wanted to pop in and let you know this will be featured at The Home Imagined Link Party tomorrow. Hope to see you there friend. XO- MaryJo

    1. Thank you so much MaryJo! I am so excited that it will be featured, so simple, and yet eco-friendly too! Can't wait to pop on over to your party!

