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Monday, February 27, 2023

Rolled Oats Cooking

Healthy and Filling Rolled Oats: Get Ready for Creative Cooking

Get creative with your rolled oats cooking! This guide has all the tips you need to make tasty meals with a healthier twist. Let's get started!

Several readers have reached out to me recently about the healthy recipe shares.  Thank you so much, I appreciate your feedback, emails, comments, and stories, it means the world to me.  Blogging can be a lonely gig, one I never gave a second thought about until da-da-daaaaa... COVID! 

I read blogs in my spare time, but I honestly never thought I would start my own.  I have to tell you, blogging is a lot of work, but I have met so many new folks and I appreciate each of you.  

I found my voice through writing when I lost my voice in life.  It has been nearly two years since I lost my voice, some days are more difficult than others.  I have become so accustomed to the gravely sound of my own voice that I am the one who is surprised when I see folk's reaction when I speak now.  You just get used to the new parts of life when the old parts of life cease.   

I have been so inspired by your stories that you have shared with me, I thought I would share a bit more about me today with this rolled oats cooking breakfast idea.  I chose to write about breakfast today because it is one of those meals I refused to eat as a junior high student, all the way through high school.   

Up until seventh grade rolled around, my mother made breakfast for us every morning, but then once I hit junior high, breakfast was not passing these lips.  I also skipped lunch at school, and would only eat dinner with my family in the evenings.  This was my routine throughout the rest of my school days.

Like most teenagers, I was very self conscious about how I looked.  I'd hear, you are big boned, don't worry about it, but I did... worry about it that is.  One thing about being a kid is that I do not think it has changed much, just the added technology makes it more difficult for kiddos growing up in today's society.  Everyone has a phone at their fingertips to catch a stumble, trip, or fall, and share it with the entire school.  I am just glad the cell phones were not in full swing when I was in school.

Kids are kids, when we are younger before society sets it's sights on us, we accept each other as we are.  Then as we begin to get older, there are certain societal standards, or what I like to call molds we are told we need to fit within.  Of course, I do not agree.  If we were all meant to look and act like one another, then we would.  I appreciate individuality and those who step to the beat of a different drum since I find myself doing the same thing.     

I'm going to get real with you, since some of you have reached out and shared your stories with me.  I basically starved myself all of those years ago.  The only reason I would eat dinner in the evenings is because my family would sit down together, and I could not hide not eating dinner.  It just wasn't an option, so I got inventive by pushing food around on my plate a lot.  I would eat the salads because in my mind a salad was okay to eat.    

Years later, I admitted to a physician what I did, and I was told I slowed my metabolism way down by not feeding it.  Not one of my stellar moments in life, that is for sure, but you live and you learn.  Learning is sometimes the hardest part since you have to go through things in life in order to learn more.   

I wish I could tell that former seventh grader that it's not worth it, you have to feed your body in order for it to perform at it's best.  I doubt I would have listened, I was stubborn like that, but I now know eating a lower carb diet is best for me.  

I think that is one of the best things about becoming an adult.  You get reacquainted with yourself, become more comfortable in your own skin, and you learn a thing or two about yourself.  What everyone tells you is "the only way" you learn is not always so.  You learn to let other's comments go, you learn to live your life for you, no one else.    

I know my body is not like every one else's and that is okay.  I have strange reactions to things, medications, vaccines, my body doesn't process carbs like most.  None of us are like each other, you just have to find yourself and learn what works best for you.  

I can tell you that this low GI plan is working for me.  I would not have tried it until I reached out to a friend and said we can help.  I am so glad that I did though, I feel better, I am getting REM sleep which I have gone way too long without.  What I am doing is not going to work for everyone, because we are all our unique selves, but it is working for me, and I enjoy sharing ideas.  If I can help you, then it truly makes my day.  

Some things I have learned about oats through this lifestyle change.  They are not all created equal.  Instant oats have added sugars, and salts.  Of course I do not need the sugar, so I went with a rolled or old fashioned oat.  Since I have to be gluten free, I chose Bob's Red Mill brand for me, you can choose another old fashioned oat if you do not need to be gluten free. 

A rolled oat is still considered processed, but minimally so.  A steel cut oat is best when it comes to density and fiber content.  The rolled oat has a smoother taste.  I have tried the steel cut oats, and while I could eat them, I did not prefer them.  Since I am cooking more on the stovetop I may change my mind if I give them another try.    

What you will need:
  1. Blueberries (cleaned)
  2. Strawberries (cleaned & sliced) 
  3. Blackberries (cleaned) 
  4. 2 cups Bob's Red Mill Old Fashioned Gluten Free Rolled Oats
  5. 3 1 /2 cups Almond Milk or water, which ever you prefer
  6. Dash of salt

What you need to do:
  • Measure out almond milk or water and pour into sauce pan on stovetop
  • Add dash of salt
  • Bring to boil, add oats and stir well several times
  • Turn down heat, cook for about 3 more minutes
  • Stir again, remove from heat & let stand for about 10 minutes before eating if you like a thick cereal 
  • Wash fruit, slice strawberries, add to the top of oats
  • Serve

  • I typically use almond milk, but I have used water, and I have also used half almond milk and half water when making my oats
  • You can boil the milk in the microwave, but I am using it less and less these days.  Use whichever way that works best for you and your lifestyle.
  • I know some folks like their oats a bit sweet, you can add 1 tablespoon of real maple syrup (54 GI scale) OR 1 tablespoon honey (58 GI scale) to sweeten them up a bit, I would probably pick the real maple syrup over the honey since it stays under the 55 number we have become so acquainted with
  • I prefer my oats with fruit instead of using honey or maple syrup 
  • This recipe lasts me an entire week so I only need to cook oats one time, and then portion them out for the week.  So nice!

I hope this breakfast idea has helped along with all of my tips.  A friend recently shared with me when her daughter was diagnosed with cancer, her doctor stated to get rid of the microwave right away.  When you think about it, I am sure cooking with them and heating up foods for convenience was never meant to replace the stove and oven, but like everything in life, we want things easier for us.  

I have found being in the kitchen does not always have to equal living my life there.  While some days I stand there and think is this ever going to boil, there are other days where I think this isn't so bad.  I usually prep dinner items while I wait for the milk to boil so I am working on more than one thing at a time, and it seems like less of a waste of time.  Did I just equate food prep to a waste of time?  Sure did.  I'd much rather be working on something else than cooking all of the time.  

You can always make them in the microwave if that is your preference too.  I can tell you that oats are very filling.  I have found I can make it through the afternoon on oats alone.  I enjoy the added bonus of the fruit, it really quenches my sweet tooth.  I crave sugar less now, woo hoo for me.  I love my salads and look forward to making them.  For those of you who groan when I mention salads, I guess I will just need to share my salads with you.  You may find you like them afterall.  

Whatever journey you are on, whether it is getting healthy, being more active, cooking more at home, speaking your mind, finding your voice, or whatever it may be, just know, you got this!  Hope you have a wonderful week!   


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  1. Thanks for the idea on the oats Cara. I have minute oats in my home but after reading your post I may switch to rolled oats. I also have a sweet tooth and have used artifical sweetner to replace sugar. As far as the microwave I rarely cook in it but I used to warm up food. Never liked the taste of meat warmed up in the mircrowave. Thank you for your blog posts. Mykela

    1. I am happy you are finding the posts helpful Mykela. I do not seem to get on so well with artificial sweeteners, I get pretty intense migraines when I have had them in the past so I stay away from them. I had no idea about the minute oats having the additional sugars and salts until I began to dig. I am finding out so much information and looking at food in a new way. My husband rolls his eyes when he says really? You are using cabbage as noodles now? Why yes dear, we are! I have found I am really feeling pretty good too.

  2. Thanks for sharing this story, Cara, and your pesonal experiences. I have been a middle school teacher for 30 years, and have mentored many, many 7th grade girls who have experiences similar to yours. The middle school years are hard, but I so admire people who can open up and share their own stories for the benefit of others. Thank you, friend. ❤️ Oh, and the oats look delish!

    1. Thank you Niky. This last year has been a ho hum dinger of a year, and so I decided to begin sharing some of my experiences with folks since you never know when it may help someone else. The middle school years are hard, I worked with many children with disabilities both in the classroom, and through a vocational program and I feel for the children of today. Technology has really made growing up more difficult in my opinion. The children you work with are lucky to have someone in their corner, they need it. Life is hard, but it shouldn't have to be as difficult as it is now.

