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Sunday, February 12, 2023

Cabbage Recipe Casserole

Cheesy Cabbage Casserole Recipe - Comfort Food at Its Best

This healthy, cheesy cabbage recipe casserole is the perfect addition to any comfort food meal. Enjoy your favorite vegetable in a whole new way with this recipe!

Keeping with our Low GI food plan... in case you were wondering, I am not calling it a diet.  This is just a healthy lifestyle choice now.  I decided to try an idea I had.  How about Ground Turkey and Cabbage?  You may be thinking huh?  I said yum!

Some folks around here will miss pasta, I cannot say I am one of those folks, but in order to keep us on track I decided to come up with a recipe that reminded me a bit of Johnny Marzetti with a twist.  

I thought of our chopped cabbage as pasta noodles.  I know, far cry from pasta, but work with me here.  **wink**  I am happy to tell you that there is shredded cheese in this dish, so you may be a bit happy to hear that.  

I have found when I cook with spices I find it really satisfying.  I guess it is because I like some spicy foods, I cannot say all spicy foods since some I just cannot stomach.  

I thought about what I had in the pantry and since diced tomatoes were not going to cut it, I decided Rotel would do.  I am adventurous and will try it out so you do not have to.  

What you will need:
  1. 1 pound ground turkey
  2. 1 head of cabbage, chopped
  3. 1 onion, chopped
  4. 2 t garlic powder
  5. 1 t onion powder
  6. 1 t chill powder
  7. 1 can Rotel
  8. 1 (8 oz) can tomato sauce
  9. Salt & pepper to taste
  10. 1 c shredded cheese (I used Colby Jack) 

What you need to do:
  • Chop cabbage and place into olive oil coated skillet on medium heat, salt & pepper to taste
  • Once cabbage has cooked down, remove and place into a bowl
  • Add ground turkey, onion, salt & pepper to taste, and spices to skillet
  • Once ground turkey has cooked, add in Rotel, tomato sauce, add cabbage back in, and sprinkle cheese over top
  • Cook and mix until cheese is melted
  • Remove from heat to prevent burning 
  • Plate and serve

My husband groaned when he walked in the back door.  I wish I had his sense of smell, he can walk in and know right away what we are having for dinner.  He said cabbage?  You know, in that voice I can only describe as, are you serious?  Come on, I am starving and you are feeding me cabbage?  Rabbit food?  I knew I should have stopped on my way home and picked something up!  

Of course none of that dialog actually took place, it was only in my mind.  The groan, and that question of cabbage was enough for me to hear, teehee... I mentioned something about a healthy choice for dinner to which there was silence.

He ate every bite on his plate, then he went back for seconds.  Of course I had to know, and asked so was it as bad as it was in your head?  He said no, but it reminds me of when my mom would cook disgusting cabbage and the whole house would smell like it.  I actually quite like it so I would never describe it in that manner.... and quickly in the next breath, he said it was actually pretty good dear.  

I thought okay, I can work with that since I thought it was actually quite tasty myself.   If you love cabbage and are always searching out new ideas to make a tasty cabbage recipe, then this is the one for you.  

I used the one skillet, but you could always make this in the oven too.  I figured why dirty up more dishes and decided to keep using the skillet over the stove.  We all know how I feel about dirty dishes.  It seems these days the dishwasher is being used about once a day.  I remember when it was a few times a week!  

You will have to let us know if you give this recipe a try.  I have found here of late, I really enjoy working with ground turkey as a substitute for ground beef.  They say it is more heart healthy than ground beef, but I am sure we may hear that the cheese was not a wise choice.  My goodness, you need a little something to dinner though, am I right?  

I feel like if you are satisfied with what you eat as meals, then you will not seek out those filler foods that are terrible for us.  Do you agree?  In my opinion, the meals I have been creating lately are very filling, and so no one is going hungry around here.  **wink**

Have you made any changes for 2023?  Is getting healthy on the list of things to do?  If so, make it happen this year.  Do you remember that saying it takes a village?  Know we are routing for you, and we hope you find some ideas in the recipes we share here.  Have a wonderful week!  

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  1. I've been working on a different eating plan for about a year and a half. I've lost a good amount of weight and I have no claims of easy weight loss stories. Perhaps calling this a 'plan' is loosely labeled. I just finally answered the wake-up call that my body had been ringing me with for years. Years of ingrained habits of cooking (which I love) and eating (duh,) were not going to be successfully thrown away and going cold turkey with an entire new diet of different foods. So, like you I have been remaking my old recipes over to make them healthier and lower in fat, sugar and calories in general. Some successes, some 'mehs', etc., and a lot of learning. One of the things I've learned is that I can't always replace a lot of the ingredients in an old comfort food recipe and call it by the same name. Often, with these new ingredients, the new dish is just as delicious on its own merit. Your cabbage/ground turkey recipe sounds delicious and I plan on trying it. Please keep sharing your healthy recipes.

    1. Thank you Michelle for your comment. When I had to go gluten free, friends and family commented, ughh, she is on this new diet. No, I had to do it, something changed and became allergic. I went with plan since I know so many hate the word diet, lol! Weight loss is so not easy! At this point, I am just looking for a healthier me, and it all started with a friend who was told they have heart problems. I wanted to help that person since they did not know where to begin. Since I have already been through a lifestyle change, I decided I could help in figuring some of this out. It's a lot to take in and figure out that is for sure, that is why I ask that others do their research too. I kind of felt like I did when I had to drop the wheat, and it was a whole new battleground. I am so glad you have reached out, and I will keep experimenting and sharing. You are so right, old recipes do not always turn out when we try to adjust them, and it is a trial and error experiment. I have made MANY mistakes when trying to recreate a meal. Finding a name for some of these recipes is so generic since sometimes I am not sure what to call them, but I try. ;)

  2. This looks delicious, I'm planning on trying it. Thank you for publishing your healthier recipes.

