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Friday, October 21, 2022

Antique leaded glass window

Old-School Style Antique Leaded Glass Windows - Adding A Finishing Touch To Your Home...  

Add a vintage touch to your home with antique leaded glass windows. Explore the timeless beauty of these old-school style designs and enhance any room with their intricate detail! 

Antique stained glass windows are my favorite, but if I cannot find those, then antique leaded glass windows come in second.  Leaded glass windows can also be called ledlights or leaded lights.      

Do you enjoy the thrill of the hunt?  When you are searching for that perfect piece you have in mind and will not stop searching until you find it.  I sometimes get hung up on an idea for a while and I will not let it go until...  A. I find the absolute perfect piece, or B. I find something even better than my original plan.  

Now my next question is, how do you feel once you find that perfect piece?  Do you get giddy when you find that ideal piece for your home?  Do you want to jump up and down and shout from the rooftop to let the world know you found the absolute perfect piece?  

Well, can I tell you I had one of those moments nearly a year ago when I found the most exquisite leaded glass window.  When I saw it, I knew it was going to be mine!  I had been searching for the perfect one for a while when I stumbled upon mine.  I can call it mine now... the beauty that she is. 

Why did it take so long for you to share this secret with us Cara?  Have you been holding out on us?  Nope, not at all... life happened, and it was a low priority when it came to actually finding a home for this leaded glass window on our walls.  

You see, there was discussion about the window itself.  Which room it should go in, what wall to hang it on, how would it be hung... oh, it seems nothing is ever simple in this household.  

Well, I think it is simple, but someone here has to make doubly sure I know what I want... let's just say from experience he knows I change my mind sometimes... but absolutely once I make up my mind, there is no changing it... ok, maybe a chance, but it surely does not happen that often.  Right?

I knew I wanted it in our bedroom, check... and of course hubby asks are you sure?  You change your mind a lot.  Yes, I knew the bedroom was it, check.  Then came the discussion of which wall it would hang on.  Now there, is where a debate began, where exactly was this exquisite window going to find it's final resting place?  

You see, our bedroom has two windows, then it has the entry door, an attic door, a closet door, and our clothes chute door... that's a lot to work around.  As always with this home, there are so many doors and windows to incorporate in any decor or design we plan.  We manage, but sometimes things just do not turn out as we originally plan.  There are times when I stand with something in hand and hold it to the wall, then I ask hubby to hold it up so I can see it, are you getting an idea of how things go around here?  A circus comes to mind...

My original plan was beside my beloved antique French provincial chest of drawers, but then I wondered if I stumbled around in the dark for the light switch, could I accidently knock it off the wall?  We definitely cannot have broken leaded glass all over our floors when I found the absolute, most wonderful piece that was meant to be in our home.

So after more debate, this past weekend, I was able to twist Mr. VS's arm in hanging it for me.  We decided on a blank wall in our bedroom.  A place where no other items were hanging, a place where I know it will not be hit if stumbling in the dark, or balls will not be thrown near... yes, remember, the pup rules the roost around here so it is typical those go flying in the air from time to time.  Am I cray cray?  Probably so, but that will need to be shelved for another day.  

It so just happened that the most perfect place ended up being right beside my mannequin that holds all of my vintage necklaces.  Once he had the window hung, it was like it was always meant to be there, don't you think?

The window is actually a bit larger than it looks in my photos, but I can see a little something else going on this wall to keep this lovely piece from being so lonely.  I like to think it is the perfect balance of chippy paint too.  I am forever drawn to those perfectly imperfect pieces.    

Ok, so where did you find this lovely Cara?  Well, I actually found it on Ebay.  Sometimes I think folks forget about Ebay, but there are still plenty of auctions happening there everyday.  Who knows, maybe you can find your own marvelous piece there.  

I bid on it, won it, and did not mention a word to Mr. VS.  He was too busy watching football at the time anyway, and we all know you cannot peel him away from his beloved football.  So, away I went and thought wow, now I cannot wait for it to arrive.  I counted down the days and kept checking the porch awaiting the grand arrival of my lovely leaded glass window.

When it came, it was well wrapped, and the glass appeared to be in mint condition.  Now, that is not to say the rest was as exquisite.  It took many cleanings to get this leaded glass window up to par.  The aged white paint you see is actually the side that would have faced outside.  Would you believe me if I told you that the outside was much cleaner than the inside?

The inside was so dirty and grimy, I wondered what in the world happened to the home it was removed from?  The inside paint was an almost blue gray color which I left fully intact on the other side.  I do not like to change anything when it comes to my antique pieces.  Just a good cleaning, and it away it went in finding it's new home somewhere here with us.  

Each piece of glass is beveled which is difficult to see in the photos.  The shield on the window reminded me of a family crest which was probably another reason I was drawn to this antique window.  The listing indicated it came out of a home located in Detroit, Michigan with the home being built in the late 1800's.  Ahh.. those old homes I so dearly love.    

I also love a history lesson when I find something I think I absolutely must have, it just adds to the appeal for me.  I wish I would have known more about the home, what it looked like, who lived there, what was life like within those walls?  Oh, I have no difficulty in coming up with my own stories that is for sure, but I imagine the home would have been stunning in it's hey day with windows like this.  

Well, I will continue my quest of those unique pieces for our home and sharing them with you.  In my opinion, pieces like this just give a home so much character.  If you are like me, and want to fill your home with unique finds, I think it is best if you keep a list of items you would like to have in your home.  Do you have a list such as this?  It may help you curate the home you desire.

Of course, if you are anything like me, you may welcome those distractions along the way since they could be the next best thing you ever purchased.   Yep, this antique window was just what the doctor ordered... 

Wondering about that vintage fur stole wrap?  I wore it on our wedding day, a gift from my sister.  It went perfectly with our vintage themed wedding.  She found one for herself and we both wore them to and from the reception to keep us warm on that drizzly, icy day.  

Of course, some folks could just count on me adding some pizzazz with the flip flops that I wore with my dress.  Yep, dead of winter, days before Christmas in Ohio, and I am wearing flip flops with my wedding dress.  In my defense, they were pretty flip flops!  See...

A tid bit about me... I broke my ankle a little over 20 years ago and sport the hardware in my ankle ever since the whole ordeal happened.  I have a plate and two pins in there... platform shoes, or any heel for that matter and I were not exactly a match made in heaven.  I twisted my ankle while wearing platform sandals and completely disconnected my foot from my leg.  Not a happy moment in this vintage gal's life.  

My ankle lost it's range of motion since it had to be fused back together and so I can no longer wear any shoes with a heel.  My ankle just doesn't bend that way anymore, but no fear, I am a flip flop wearing kinda gal so no real hardship for me, aside from nearly losing my foot, but we will save that for another day.

Now you too can add timeless beauty to any room with antique leaded glass windows. These intricate designs have been used for centuries to enhance homes and add a touch of vintage charm.

What do you think about the antique leaded glass window?  Isn't she a beaut?  I would love to find another smaller window for this wall, maybe a transom window next time to go above this one.  Our ceilings are so low upstairs it makes it difficult to hang multiple items on top of one another on our walls, but that is what my list is for... measurements so I know if something will work or not.  Well, happy Friday, and have a wonderful weekend!   

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  1. That window is very unique! And, yes, I was wondering about the fur. Your wedding sounds very pretty. Girl, I broke my ankle too, no hardware but a long recovery for my old bones.

    1. Thank you Dee. Yes, no one know what it is like to break your ankle until you go through it, terrible and long recovery. Hope you do not have a lot of issues with your break.

  2. The ankle break took a long time to heal but doesn't give me any problem but get this, the opposite ankle hurts like crazy in the same exact broken area of the injured ankle. Weird, huh?

    1. That is strange! Glad you do not have any issues with your break.

