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Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Dog with wagging tail

Searching dog with wagging tail?  We have just the dog with wagging tail to share with you, Bentley approved to boot.  

I like dog butt's and I cannot lie... ha!  I could not resist.  Recall the one teeny tiny scallop from our hat/coat rack that was left over?   Well, I told you that you may chuckle when you see what I had planned for it.  I knew as soon as I saw I would have some left over material what I would do with it.

You see, I seem to have a shopping problem, or maybe I should say I had a shopping problem.  The cottage is so full, I can no longer have the issue of continuing to shop.  We have no more room for items I think I need.  Or maybe it is time to clear the house for new things?  Nah, work with what you have and give your loved and cherished items a make over. 

These tail wagging dog butts?  I picked them up several years ago and I thought I would hang them on the wall by the back door to keep items from sitting around on the counter and what not.

Of course, they sat for several years.   I even attempted to find them a while back since I thought I was ready to do something with them, but I could not find them.  When I cleaned out our kitchen closet, guess what?  I found them! 

Who knew?  Of course how anyone found anything in that darn closet is beyond me.  I am just happy to have found these little gems again so I could complete the using what we already have around the house ideas.

Mr. VS glued the wood since it had breaks in it, sanded down the scallop and I painted it to match our coat/hat rack, then he added the rears to our scallop and hung it.  Pretty easy, huh?  Now I could have hung them on the wall without the scallop, but what fun would that have been?  I am thinking none... nada... zero.

Want more details?  Find them below....

This little scallop was worse for the wear, that is for sure.  Mr. VS fixed her right up though.  The wood was split across the scallop and he used wood glue and clamps to correct it.  I was not so sure it would work this way since the clamps were not wide enough to attach to it length wise.

BUT... it worked and we were even able to put screws into this piece of wood to attach to the wall and the hooks attached to the wood itself.  

After it was cleaned up and sanded down, I gave it two coats of our Antique Silver paint that I have been using everywhere lately.  For it being such a small jar, I sure am getting a lot of miles out of it.  

You can slightly see the breaks in the wood after it was painted, but it works for our purposes, plus that is character people!  Besides, it will be mostly behind a door.  I am just one of those weird individuals who enjoys putting my special touch on things no one sees, like wallpaper in our closets, or chandeliers in closets.  

Do not ask me why, I am just wired that way I guess.  Also, it makes me smile when I see those special touches from day to day.  Do you have something that makes you smile everyday in your home?  If not, I highly suggest creating something that will.  Life is short, eat dessert first... or wallpaper a closet, or hang dog butts... whatever makes that one side of your mouth twitch upwards into that smile, or almost smile if that is the way you roll.  😉  No judgement here...

I smile to myself when I see those doggie butts in the air.  Our kiddo likes to do the same thing.  He is always playing with his rear up and tail wagging to and fro.  When he wags his tail, I know he is happy.  I think that is what drew me to these fun hooks in the first place.

It was so nice that everything came with these hooks too!  The screws, anchors, and hooks were all well packaged.  I received four total hooks, I gave one to my mom so I still have one left over.  I am thinking about how I want to display that one little doggie butt now.  Also, did I mention how heavy they are?  Surprisingly so... well made that is for sure which was nice to find. 

Not bad with a left over piece of trim, and hooks I had stashed in the closet.  It really is the small things, don't you think?  

We went back and forth a few times, place the piece of trim right next to the existing trim to look like a continuous piece which was the original plan, only we thought it would reach the door trim casing then.  Butt **haha**  it up against the trim casing, or hang centered on this small wall?  We went with centering it since it seemed to make the most sense to us.  

Now we always know where his leash is when we are ready to head out for a walk.  I do not trust him on the expandable leash when walking.  He will lunge if he sees something that strikes his fancy.  He has already broken a training collar doing that very same thing.  

I always worry about him breaking a leash when I walk him.  It makes me too nervous so we only use them in our backyard where I have a little more control.  I said little... 

So there you have it, the lonely teeny tiny scallop all made over again, and not going into the trash.  I love it when I am able to save something original to our home.  I just wish I could have saved that lovely cottage kitchen.  I can only imagine how it would have looked in it's hey day.  

I also found the spoiled pup sign, a gift from a coworker many years ago.  No question this pup is spoiled, along with all the others before him.  Just the way it is supposed to be.  

I plan to work my way through that basement and continue to figure out new projects for the items we already have here.  I might as well work with what we have, plus I enjoy the challenge of figuring out projects with ordinary items.  

I need a wood worker to help me with some of my projects, or the use of their shop ha!  Well, not me... Mr. VS is the one who knows how to use the tools.  We keep going back and forth that we need more tools, but we really do not have the room for what we need to complete some of the projects we have in mind.  We need that garage...  good thing it is on the list.  You know, the long list of necessary things we need like every other home owner out there.  

This project sure made Bentley's tail wag...  so much he was all tuckered out.  Now he too knows where to find his leash for walks.  No, he is not spoiled at all... 

Okay, okay, I went a little crazy, but I think we all know I am the CRAZY dog lady afterall.  I could not resist!  I think we all know my pup means the world to me, and I also think I need that Beagle sign!  

Another item out of the basement.  Stay tuned for the next basement find make over!  Do you know how excited I get to share some of these projects with you?  Making over items is like my favorite!  

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