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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Gluten free cornbread recipe

Searching gluten free cornbread recipe?  We are super excited to share our gluten free cornbread recipe made with corn with you today!   It is so yummy!   

Wondering how to make homemade gluten free cornbread?  This homemade gluten free cornbread is very easy to make.  If you are also questioning how to make gluten free cornbread moist, then this is the recipe for you.     

So I decided to step outside my comfort zone and make something I have never even really considered making before... dun da dun... Cornbread!  

Who knew this gal would be making it, and a secret between you and I?  I was not exactly sure if I would even enjoy it.  I can tell you after I created this recipe, I will totally be making it again, and again, and probably again.   You get the idea.  😉


I was so surprised for one, my little idea turned out, and then the fact I actually enjoyed it myself.  Who knew?  Certainly not this gal, but it goes to show you if you jump off that path I spoke of last week, the sky is the limit!    

How did I even decide to make cornbread?  Mr. VS decided he wanted ham for dinner this week and he mentioned something about beans.  What, beans?  Yeah, not in my vocabulary.  I have never made soup beans, but never say never, because I actually enjoyed jumping out of my comfort zone and trying something new, so who knows what will come next!

I looked at what to serve with ham and baked beans, yes, I went that route, not the actual soup beans just yet.  Cornbread came up and I thought ok, how hard can this be to make?  When I searched recipes, they all called for cornmeal.  Only, we did not have cornmeal in the house and I thought why not make a bread with actual corn in it?  

I decided to use my "call a friend card" you know, from all the good game shows... I called my mom and described my idea to her and she said, I am not so sure that will work Cara.  I decided who cares?  How will you know if you do not try something new?  So in Cara fashion, I jumped in with both feet and said I got this, only it was to myself, oh and Bentley, because he is my sidekick in pretty much everything we do around here.

Do you ever question things like why do most of the recipes out there not even have corn in them?  I questioned it.  I also wondered why all of them had so much sugar in them?  Half of cup of sugar is A LOT!  No thank you, I will try things my way.       

Gluten free Cornbread Recipe 

What you need:

  • 1 can corn, drained
  • 2 T honey
  • 1 c almond flour
  • 1 c gluten free Bisquick
  • 1 c almond milk
  • 1 egg

Yep, that is all you need for this recipe!  

What you need to do: 

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  • Drain the can of corn, only have you noticed not all of the liquid really drains?  No problem, it works for us in this recipe!
  • Place corn in mixing bowl, drizzle honey over corn, mix well
  • Add almond flour to the corn and set aside.  If you are anything like me, you are multitasking in the kitchen, if you remember from our Oatmeal Scotchie recipe, I explained how I came to learn if the almond flour sets in the batter, it does something magical?  Well, it works here too!
  • Add in Bisquick, stir all together 
  • Add almond milk, stir again
  • Add the egg, and stir until everything is all mixed up, yes, this is the final stir, I promise
  • Pour batter in baking dish, I used my Lock & Lock glass pie plate , I love them, after you bake your dish, you can store whatever you have made in the same dish by just adding the locking lid.  Everything stays moist and covered.
  • Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. 
  • Let cool and serve, viola, it really is that easy!  

I checked the bread at 25 minutes since I was really not sure how long to bake this cornbread.  It was still pretty dough-like so I put it back in for another five minutes.  When I removed it from the oven, a toothpick came out clean and I let it sit on the top of our stove until Mr. VS came home about 20 minutes later. The cornbread was still warm.  

I tend to let things sit on top of the stove when I am waiting on my husband to get home so things stay warm.  A little pat of butter, and that was all she wrote!  Mr. VS's feedback??  That was delicious!  Well, thank you dear!  I was pretty happy with the results myself. 

My husband asked for cornbread a few years ago so I picked up a cornbread mix, and I thought after I purchased it, I had better check the ingredients just in case.  Do you know I was floored to find there was wheat in the mix?  Goes to show you, you can never assume anything when it comes to buying prepackaged items from the store.  I had to throw it out since I was not able to consume it.  

Do you know another reason I never really cared for cornbread from the past?  I always found it to be so dry.  This cornbread?  Oh, it is so super moist!  When we finished dinner that evening, I just put the lid on my glass pie plate, and we had leftovers the next evening.  The cornbread was still moist, no dry cornbread here!  Thank goodness!

You will have to let us know if you decide to try this recipe!  We are huge fans, and neither one of us missed the added extra sugar.  It was still sweet, so why would we?  I guess I am not really sure why added sugar is needed in a cornbread recipe now that I made this one?  Oh well, we can table that for another day!  

Interested in taking a look at our other recipes?  Click to read:

Check out some Lock and Lock options below:  We really do love ours and have many options, glass and plastic in our kitchen.  We use them all of the time, and do you know you can put them in your purse, and no leaking of ingredients out?  My mother would always take soup for lunch, put it in a Lock and Lock, and then throw it in her purse.  I thought are you crazy?  She was the one who led me to these wonderful little items, and that is how they became one of the things we love in our kitchen now!  

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  1. We eat cornbread quite often but have never made it without Martha White yellow cornmeal. I buy it in the 5 lb bags, MW flour in the 5 lb bags too. Hubby likes Jiffy mix but I don't use it, I think it tastes like cake, yuck! This reminds me, I need to look for GF cornmeal. As for adding actual corn, we do that at times and onions too. Thanks so much for linking up at #FoodFriday 22 for Bread Recipes. Shared.

    1. You have to be careful, I thought Jiffy cornbread would not have flour. I was lucky I looked before I actually used it. It has flour in it. I have bought Maseca corn flour before. I had never had a corn bread with actual corn so I decided why not give it a try? It was a big hit here.

