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Friday, November 12, 2021

Random Musings 003

Searching for profound thoughts on a Friday in November?  We have been doing some thinking and digging deep about life in general.

You know the nerd in me reads a lot, whatever I can get my aging eyes on... I read something yesterday that I found to be quite interesting and actually profound.  

Leaves changing fall of 2021

The article referenced reinventing yourself.  I actually took the time to ponder this statement.  

What I came up with?

When we all go through different phases in life, we reinvent ourselves.  Empty nesters need to figure out who they are after the children leave the nest, when we retire, that is a whole new learning process to experience.

I hear retirement is difficult, but I cannot wait to find out about it.  😉  Or maybe that is just what I think now, knowing I have some years ahead of me before I can retire.

Graduating from high school, college, getting married, going through a divorce, having children... they are all phases or ways we need to reinvent ourselves.

Our lives are fluid, ever changing.  

As you can see, I went down a long and winding path... thinking about life and how we all go through so many phases or reinventions of ourselves.  It's the analytical part of my brain getting deep on me.  Don't tell anyone, but I do tend to analyze everything in life, another thing that contributes to the no sleep thing.  

I know graduating from high school was a whole new world, I cannot say I was ready for it, I was so naïve.  Off to college I went... a new experience.  

Fall 2021

You know, I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up.  

My mother was very persistent that I needed a college education, and I can honestly say no one can take it away from me, but did I really need it?

When I think about it, I am not so sure.  

A trade would have been the best avenue.  Women in trades are still not where I believe they should be.  

I know for certain I would not want to be a plumber, some of the things they get into day to day would really mess with my need for everything to always be clean!  Ok, so maybe I have a tad bit of OCD... one will never know!   

An electrician?  Hmm.... now that is something that is in high demand.  I do not see that changing since we all need electricity.  Older homes need rewired, new homes need wired period.  Then there are upgrading panels, meter bases, adding services when you have outgrown your current panel size... not to mention the increase in our electric consumption.  

That may have been a very good profession to have looked into when I was younger.

There are linemen who build the line to get the electric to your home.  Nope, not for me, I am afraid of heights!  No climbing for this gal.

Engineers who design electric lines that the linemen install... 

Changing leaves

When you think about it, this is just a very small part of what is all out there for people to consider as professions.  What, you mean there is a whole world out there Cara?  That would have been me when I graduated from high school, sheltered kid I was at 18.  

Personally, I think we expect kids to grow up too fast, do you remember yourself at 18?  Making life changing decisions... scary thought, huh?  

I am in my 40's and still do not know what I want to be when I grow up.  Do you?

Dog rescuer?  Professional crafter?  Home decorator?  

I think I have my work cut out for me... how do you want to reinvent yourself?  Are you going through a phase in life?  Becoming an empty nester, recent retirement, newly married, or new parents?  

I never thought about life as a reinvention, but it makes sense, doesn't it?

Interested in reading more?  Click the links below.

Random Musings from Cara on a fall Saturday morning

Random Musings by Cara 002

A few of my favorite things

Guess what is in our living room 

Our "different" decor in our living room

Spring blooms from our yard

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