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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Happy blog-a-versary

Happy Anniversary to you + us = our first blog-a-versary!  Can you believe it, one year already.   I know, time flew while we were having fun with y'all!

We committed to one year, and we made it!

Thank you for sticking by us through our growing pains.  It has definitely been a year of learning.  

Wow!  Where to start?

Do you know it all began with this little ole' French provincial coffee table that we refinished?  

The $1.00 table my sister won at an auction... who knew it would lead us all together to the here and now?

Do you know I was with her at the auction and I had secretly wanted it so bad myself, but she really wanted it, the bed, and couch, but you can read more about the table by clicking the link above.  Oh how I love this table!  

French provincial furniture is my most favorite furniture of ALL time!

We shared our plate rack turned built in wall cabinet.  

This plate rack tugged on my heart strings with that lovely trim around it.  Just so you know, I did keep the trim pieces and I have been searching for the most perfect way to reuse those pieces.  I loved them.

We were in dire straits though, we needed more storage in this cozy cottage.  The rest of the kitchen had been removed so we made the decision to make a built in cabinet in this poor plate rack's place.

Wow!  Can I tell you how hard it was to make some of these decisions?  White, brown, white... what kind of windows... color of trim... the list goes on and on.  Overall, I am happy with our decisions we have made thus far.

We had a lot of cracked panes, the glaze was off in many areas, the gutters were galvanized, had peeling paint... sometimes you just have to go with a decision, and then not look back.

Our backsplash we shared that was a very easy and satisfying update that we completed for only $15.00!

Do not ask me where the idea for this came from, I just saw those napkins and said yes!  We can totally do this.  I had no idea if it would work or not, but I am so happy we gave it a try.

Do you know I still smile when I look at it, and 30,000 of you agree with me. When I think back to the before, it was so dated, and much needed a makeover.  

We discussed how we gave this bathroom built in a make over.   

I absolutely love the after photos of our built in.  I was so happy with the drawer pulls Mr. VS made for me, all his idea might I add!

We shared how I have an affinity for what I call fancy pants things in our home, and how I love surprises in our home like wallpapered closets!  I mean why would we want oh hum, when we can have oh yeah!  

We cannot forget the MANY stories we have shared about one German Shepherd Beagle peanut who gets into all sorts of things... we really enjoy sharing how important he is in our lives and how our projects become so much more interesting when he is in the mix.

When I first wrote about him, I thought readers would not be interested since we write more about our home and projects around the house, but boy was I wrong!  I think you all love him as much as we do!  He is a sassy stinker, what is there not to love?

We showed what the dining room looked like on day one of our home purchase.  

Isn't it funny when you begin looking through photos of your home, and how quickly you forget what it looked like before?  Before you removed wallpaper, before you painted, before you did anything to it?  

If I would have known I would be writing about our home all those years ago, I would have better documented the updates and how things have progressed here.  

I am happy with what we have accomplished thus far.  Could we have taken out a loan and had everything completed at one time?  

Yes, we could, but we do not like owing money to anyone, so we keep on keeping on the only way we know how.

We have even shared how I have harebrained ideas by turning these headboards into a gate.  

I so enjoy being creative and finding new uses for items.  

Over 5,000 of you have enjoyed the Easy Mexican Skillet recipe.  Thank you for all of your comments and emails about the recipes we share.  

I have always made up recipes, even as a teenager I was making up my own recipes.  My mom would call them my concoctions.  I enjoyed creating new recipes and then sharing them with our family.    

I even enjoyed baking at a young age.  Sometimes I would get impatient waiting on my mother and would start without her.  

That would also be the reason why cookie dough ended up all over the kitchen, even on the ceiling one day.  What can I say, I have always had a mind of my own.  

This is all a part of "You never know what you will find here".  We have thoroughly enjoyed you being a part of our projects and your input, and encouragement.  We are still learning this thing called blogging, and enjoying the ride you take with us on every post.  

I never thought I would actually take the plunge and do this in a million years, but I am glad I did.  I have met some wonderful people through this experience and cherish each one of you.

Here's to more blog posts... Christmas posts... more projects... peanut stories... more crafting... more flower arrangements... the list goes on and on.  As long as you are reading along with us, we will continue to share with you.  Have a wonderful week folks!    

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