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Friday, September 17, 2021

Teapot Floral Arrangement

Searching for teapot floral arrangement?  We made a teapot floral arrangement to spruce up the cottage.   

For as far back as I can remember, I have always loved English cottages.  Honestly, I am not sure what drew me into them... maybe it is the fact I grew up in a cape cod all brick cottage.

I loved them even as a child so maybe it is because I am drawn to England.  My maternal grandmother's family was from England and I have always been kind of curious about my family and what their life was like there.  

My cousin found our great-grandmother's signature recorded at Ellis Island when she visited.  I would imagine when she arrived, she had great hope for a bright future.  I often wonder what made her end up in Ohio?

They are long since gone to ask any questions to, so I enjoy searching photos of England and imagine perhaps how my family would have lived.  Grandma doesn't really talk about her family before they moved to America.  See, she was born here, but she used to speak plenty about how they lived here in the states.

She had family that had a grocery store and a candy store, and a painting business...  they all seemed to have their own businesses.  Sometimes I think that would be ideal... working for yourself... the candy shop sounded like a dream.  I imagined it like the general store on Little House on the Prairie the way she described it.

I digress... but the stories are sometimes better than the projects, huh?  I am always up for a good story, my grandpa was the best story teller around!

One year for Christmas I received a tea set from Santa Claus, I recall many afternoons playing with my tea set... another item from childhood that became a fascination as an adult... teapots of course!

I have a few, and have sold a few... I have two in our kitchen that are silver and have that lovely aged patina to them.  I decided to make a flower arrangement in one of them this past weekend.  

My love of roses never fades and I find myself putting them everywhere in the cottage.  Some of the roses I have found over the years look pretty decent too.  Pinks are usually my go to color for flowers.  I cannot really answer why, but I do love all flowers that are pink.

I enjoy making flower arrangements for our home, I do not follow a rhyme or reason when putting them together.  I am sure someone would tell you there are rules to follow, but the best thing about making items for your home, there are no rules.  You can do whatever you want in your own home because where else can you be yourself other than your own home?

Whatever makes you happy and you like, you can put in your flower arrangements.  I just keep adding, subtracting, until I find something that makes me smile.  I think smiling is important, you hear me talk about it a lot.  It helps in lifting your spirits and when you smile, it makes others smile too. 

I began by adding the roses you have found in various places around our cottage.  I added in a few stems, then added a few pieces of the tall grass.  I like that there is different heights in the flower arrangement.

The roses are all actually the same height, but once you add so many to the teapot... and if you do not push them down all the way to the bottom... just let them rest on the other roses... you will be able to establish different heights in your arrangement. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. 

I continued to piece in the taller grass pieces until I came up with an arrangement I found attractive.  I put the teapot back up on the fridge and said ok, now I feel like I added some color to our kitchen.  Just because a kitchen is more utilitarian, does not mean you cannot also have some beauty dispersed throughout it as well.

I love unexpected items throughout a home.  It is probably why I wallpaper closets, and have unique items thrown in throughout.  When I open that closet door every morning, I still smile to myself.  If you ask me, it really is the small things in life that make us most happy.

I reuse items around our home.  I am not afraid to tell you that, I am all about keeping it real.  I have an attic full of things I have picked up over the years, but at the end of the day, you do not need mass quantities of items to decorate with.  You just need a few key items that make you smile.

I just so happen to be a shopper who cannot pass up a bargain, and then there are those items that I think I must have.  I am learning I do not need every single thing I think I need, but I am still perfecting our home.

I no longer make purchases of items I kind of like, I only buy things I absolutely love.💖  I am kind of excited to share a piece I found online with a whole lot of age on it.  

It finally came this week, and I cannot wait to get it hung.  It is going to take some help from Mr. VS to get it hung, but I had been watching it for a while.  This past weekend, I made the decision to not keep watching it, and take the plunge in purchasing it.

Ok, ok, I will stop talking about "it."  Needless to say, you will have to wait to learn more... it can be hung on the wall if you want to take any guesses about what "it" may be... 

As you can see below, I have some work cut out for me in decorating the top of the refrigerator.  I need an abundance of flowers for the large basket.  Why yes, that is a poinsettia in that basket, lol!  Wrong season Cara!  Oh well... like I said, the cottage is not perfect.  I have not figured out how to use the milk bottles yet.  I do love them, and we have several.  I do love my tea tin atop our fridge, picked up at an antique store one day.  

Me, trying to get a good photo standing on my tippy toes.  As you can see, I did not do so hot, but at least you get the idea and see what I am still working on.  

On a side note, I loved that tea set I had as a little girl.  I could get lost for many hours in make believe (you don't say Cara, I would never imagine!)... I had a small table and two chairs.  I would often go to my playroom and set the table for tea.  Oh the visitors I had for tea!  I will say, I had quite the imagination.    

Would you believe Pooh Bear had tea with me?  I loved the many adventures of Pooh... and E.T. made an appearance for tea... and of course Holly Hobby... I even had a Holly Hobby house I would sleep in.  There are photos of me sleeping in it with my blankie and pillow.  

The things you smile at when you think back to being a child, and the things I will never forget as I grow older... I know I am thankful to have those memories.  

On that note, I wanted to say Welcome Friday!  We have been waiting all week to see you, so glad you finally made an appearance.  Hope you enjoy your weekend!    

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