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Saturday, July 3, 2021

How to update the bedroom on a budget

Searching for updated low cost bedroom decor ideas?  Here we show how to update the bedroom on a budget.    

I finally got the bed put together!  We purchased our old comforter once we moved in here.  I wanted a paisley pattern since it can be masculine or feminine either way.  Now, Mr. Vintage would probably tell you lavender is not masculine, but he does not usually say much about my color choices... good thing, huh?

One of peanut's favorite pass times was to hide under the bed and chew on our bed skirt... or take a multitude of items under the bed and chew them to shreds... we fixed him by putting storage under our bed... although funny story, last week I was home sick in bed and he decided to move the storage box over a bit so he could slip under the bed and behind the storage box.  Can you believe some of his antics at times?

Do you also know peanut would only chew the bed skirt on my husband's side of the bed?  He has never once chewed on my side.  I am not sure what that says about this stinker.  I am hoping we are past chewing on bed skirts and I can actually keep this one.      

I debated and went back and forth to attempt to match up a lavendar bed skirt, but then I decided why waste my time... what are the odds I could perfectly match it up?  Slim to none...  so then I had to decide on a silverish color or go with white?  I ended up choosing white.  Why white?  I found the cutest bed skirt with ruffles!  I do love a good ruffle, sometimes I am girly like that, and the price?  $20.95 for all of those ruffles, ok you twisted my arm... click, add to cart, done!

I have to say this bed skirt is made from a nice very soft fabric.  Now I probably should have ironed the bed skirt, but you must not know me all that well if you think I would do so.  Ironing?  Yuck!  I recall as a child, my mom standing at the ironing board for hours on end ironing my father's shirts.  I knew then, I would never choose to iron something, I will only do it if I absolutely must.  This bed skirt also has a thick material which is not at all like the last skirt that had a silky material.  The mattress moved around a lot on it and I did not care for that at all.  Peanut jumps on and off the bed many times a day so it moved often.  I do not think we will have that issue with this bed skirt thankfully.  

Then because I was curious what else was out there, I decided to look at comforters... and I found the one I shared with you from Prime Day.  I love white.  I know, I was one of those folks who used to say white?  Is she crazy?  White is so hard to keep clean!  Now?  I just throw white in the washer and add a little bleach in and everything stays white.  Easy peasy!

The comforter was a steal!  It also came with shams... and then I decided on Euro shams since we had them with the other comforter set we had and I have no place to store the large pillows around here except on the bed.  So that was an easy decision to make.  LOL!  The fabric on these Euro shams? Silky smooth... I was surprised and very happy with that purchase!  I think they add a little height to the bed and fill in, especially with how tall our headboard is.  It is about as tall as I am, 5 foot.

Did I tell you, or did I tell you that I love this pattern.  It really is my favorite, I think you have seen it sprinkled throughout our home a time or two, and now that will include the bedroom too!  I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of this comforter.  I was glad to see it is on the thinner side for summer too.  It is very smooth as well.  

If you are expecting a very heavy comforter, you will be disappointed, but for summer or as a blanket at the end of your bed?  It is perfect for this and I really am not so fond of a heavy comforter in the summer.  Our second story bedroom can near 100 degrees in the summer.  Not so wonderful for sleeping conditions. 

Of course, we kept our velvet curtains.  We love velvet curtains, one they really help in keeping the heat out of a room which also means the cold in the winter too.  The best part?  Keeps the sunlight out when you decide to sleep in.  Not that we do that much around here, but sometimes it is nice on Saturday mornings not to be woken by 6 AM when the sunlight shines brightly into our bedroom...   

White goes with everything so you can save money by purchasing white and then add color and accents with cheaper items like pillows.  I knew I wanted something neutral so my already purchased decor in our bedroom would also go with the new comforter.  When I make a purchase, I tend to love it forever... 

By keeping our decor the same, I save money there, and we can always go back to our lavender comforter any time we want.  This look is suiting me just fine though.  I do not tend to change up major things like this often.  I am pretty content with what we have, but on occasion I do like to freshen up.  Do you know I completed this update in our bedroom for less than $85?  The original comforter was more than double that price so I am a happy gal with this new look!

I do love my bed, I have had it since my single days... I purchased it new, but some would say it is vintage now with it's age... I found a similar one online, and I have to say, it is pretty close to this one.  This bed is a classic and will never be out of style per say.  Those are the sorts of things that draw me into certain pieces, knowing they are traditional and will still be here 30 years from now... because you know, we will still be here then.  😉

I enjoyed perusing this Soft Palette trends searching for some unique items.  I saw a couple of vases I would not mind, I enjoy some of those earthy styles every now and then.  There were also some really cute pink and mint dishes... we know I love dishes, but I honestly cannot purchase any more unless I rid out.  I have more than we could ever use! 

We are still working on this pretty English lady, and I have to say, she is really beginning to shine... I will be so excited when I feel like she is complete.  We are getting there, but do you feel like your home is ever really finished?  I pick timeless, traditional decor and furnishings so they are always in style, but things do wear out over time.  

I like to think we are close to be over the big hurdles here soon.  The kitchen being one of those things that is still on the list.  Do you make lists for your home?  Do you think you will always be updating something for your home, or are you content?  I am getting there... content is a nice place to be...  and I am so looking forward to contentment... and sometimes contentment can be found in a white comforter, shams, a ruffly bed skirt, and a sweet dreams y'all pillow... happy Saturday y'all!

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  1. This is just stunning. I love the wrought iron above the bed. This colour is my jam! Love it.

  2. Thank you so much Carol Karl! I love white, it is easy and you can change things up so easily. That wrought iron piece was a steal and I do love those.

