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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Peanut and his ornery ways

Looking for stories about a pup who brings a lot of laughs to those he comes into contact with?  This pup makes our friends and family laugh, we are sure you will too! 

This rascally kid has been pretty good... now I say that, but I can assure you he has not been perfect.  After we got back from working at the other house on Saturday, we were taking a break and chatting about what was next on our agenda.

Just kicking back.  Yes, this is my couch... 

Peanut comes trotting down the hallway and drops some leaves he found.  Of course, they were leaves I decorate with.  I had been working in the dining room one evening last week and either he jumped on the table and pulled them down, or he got into the box I store items in.  We have been so tired, things have not been getting put away right when I am working on something.

Can you believe this stinker dropped the leaves, looked at me like, I dare you mom, just try and catch me.  Then he stood there and just looked at me, not moving an inch... it was like an old western stand off, no one moves and inch... until I went to stand, and then it was on.  He scooped up those leaves and ran for the hills, or the dining room where he gets into all sorts of mischief.  Little rebel that he is made sure we were aware, you left me alone and now you will pay!  

I say to hubby, I need your help... so we both go trotting down the hallway, peanut dives under the table, I get down on all fours and I am crawling around trying to catch up with him.  We know he is quick and I am off my A-game from working all day, plus I pulled something in my back.  Mr. Vintage gets the leaves and peanut just looks at me like seriously mom... you are losing your touch.  I said are we good?  Do we have the leaves?  Yes and yes... the door was closed and I told him, wow, you are seriously trying my patience today... he was like of course mom, I had to make sure you were still in the game!

I love being in my yard... 

I picked up the Cubii online to peddle along all day while I work.  Mr. Vintage put it together for me and I put it under my desk.  Only, it did not work out as I had anticipated.  I, of course have a vintage desk which have you noticed are on the smaller side than desks made more recent?  I kept cracking my knees on the desk, after a few times of this I decided being able to walk again was top priority and I would figure out another time to peddle away.  Peanut here, decided he did not want it under the desk either.  He started barking at me and when I decided to remove it from under the desk, he ran under there and laid down immediately.

He peeked up at me like mom, do not ever fill my space under the desk again!  You know this is my spot and I lay here while you work.  I laughed at him, but he fell asleep and cuddled up with my feet while I worked the day away and he dreamt of chasing playmates and eating cookies all day.

Let's play tug a war

We decided to move the Cubii downstairs to peddle away while writing for you all and relaxing in the evenings.  I was peddling away on Sunday and he started barking at me again.  I said tuff kid, you will have to get used to it.  He kept barking until I said enough... you do your thing and I will do mine... 

What does he do?  He lays down right in front of the Cubbi so I could not cycle a full round.  I made him move... his next ploy to get me to stop?  He lays beside it and makes sure his back is up against the peddle while I trying to make progress.  I am not sure if he thought this would deter me, or if it actually felt good, but he continued to lay there and I kept going... so he got a back rub in the process and I biked a couple of miles out.  Yeah, talk about a stinker, for sure!

And of course, you know Monday night, he had to bark at the neighbor's trash cans, he never lets us down, does he?  He hates those darn things.  I keep thinking he may get used to them, but he never does.  Maybe one of these days, he will decide they are not his foe... only time will tell.   

As I am writing this post, I was sitting on the loveseat and I was sitting in the center, not something I typically do... he jumps up and looks over at me like move over, now!  He seriously gave me the look... I moved over and he throws himself down and lays with his dryer ball in his mouth... looks over to his dad... and throws his ball over the side of the loveseat.  Then barks like get it dad, I cannot reach it.  I am telling you, he does think he is royalty around here.

Oh I am just laying here...

Some days it is just easier to appease him than it is to make him work it out on his own.  He never gives up and will bark all night until he gets his way.  I am not sure if it is because we are older, or if he is just really that difficult?  He laid down and began watching television and getting into the show Mr. Vintage was watching... I thought finally, some peace so I can continue to work.  It was short lived, because he decided to raise a ruckus about a pup on tv, but I savor the moments when I can get a minute to myself... I guess this is the life of a dog mom?  I am not fully convinced since he is not my first dog, but I tell you, he has it all worked out here and it is always in his favor.  

We wish you well this week, until next time when we can talk about what more he has been up to... do you know he sometimes falls asleep with his balls in his mouth?  

See you next week!  

I have included some affiliate links for you below.  The Cubbi is awesome and I enjoy using it all evening, biking away.  It is helping to manage stress levels... and this water jug?  The best!  Keeps ice and water cold even the next day!  It is totally worth the cost!  We love it, Mr. Vintage takes his to work with him.  Keeping hydrated is important!

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