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Saturday, June 26, 2021

German Village in Columbus, Ohio

Searching for your next home, or just curious about how older homes look inside?  We have a home to share with you located in German Village in Ohio. 

One of my absolutely most favorite things to do is share homes!  I may seriously have a problem... I cannot stop looking at them.  Now that I have you all to share with, it just makes it that much more enjoyable for me!  I stepped outside my norm again and have a home to share with you in German Village.

All photos sourced from Zillow.  

In case you are not local, German Village is located in Columbus, Ohio.  German Village is known for its charming homes and was established in 1820.  It is a highly desirable area where home values never really decrease no matter the economical climate.

This home was built in 1900 and is located at 592 Grant Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43206.  It is rare to find a two car attached garage to a home in this area.  Yards are basically nonexistent, grass?  Who needs it when you get all of these wonderful things I have to share with you!  Less maintenance is is A OK with me!

What do you think about those windows?  The frames around the windows are like the perfect dressing to that board and batten siding.  This is something I would love to have on the back of our English lady.  I have always been drawn to this siding... what are your thoughts?  I am really quite fond of the arched second story window as well. 

Are you missing the grass so far?  Yeah, me neither!  That perfect brick sidewalk is calling me... the patio is like, come on in, have a sit and enjoy your surroundings... I wish I could have brick sidewalks too.  They would last my lifetime and beyond!  I could see a cute bistro set and a gazing ball out on this patio area.  

You know my penchant for tiny doors in homes... do you see it right beside the door to the left?  Mail drop!  I love ours.  No need to go out in the rain or cold to grab your mail, it is really a convenience I'd rather not give up.  I am seeing leaded glass through the blinds, must be an original door.  That is exciting and promising!  I can tell you this is not the only tiny door in this home too!  I do love those nooks and crannies in older homes!

This room has my attention!  Those doors would be open almost year round if I was occupying this home.  I like that the fireplace is traditional and the sconces really light up the room.  If you choose to take a closer look, you will find the fireplace is painted brick.  I would have preferred original brick, but sometimes you will not find that in a home of this age.

Another fireplace?  How could we get so lucky?  Again, the same sconces which I am okay with.  If something isn't broken, why fix it?  I do enjoy seeing the wainscoting on the walls.  I have been thinking about adding this to our dining room below the chair rail... goals.  I can see something like this painting above the fireplace, for a fun element.     

The best part about this kitchen?  That huge pantry cabinet to the right!  It caught my eye right away and of all things that got my attention?  The hinges on the cabinet of course.  I am so strange, but it is usually those small details I notice first.    

We have some dog lovers!  I have been searching for a pup cookie jar to perch on our counter top in the kitchen.  Peanut needs a new container for his cookies, look what I found, this is the cutest cookie jar.  

This. Right. Here.  I do love this room, right between the garage and sitting room with the fireplace.  I think I would bring a comfy chaise lounge out and put in front of that window and spend all of my time here looking at homes, reading, and perhaps a nap or two.  The area may be small, but the vaulted ceilings seems to open the space up a bit and appears so much larger.  There are doors galore in this small space too.

Do you see the vents?  Pipe in the AC and the heat, this is a year round room for me.  Do you also see the dutch door?  I have always wanted one of these in our home.  Why?  No idea, I just like them!  Are you loving all of that brick as much as me?  If you love brick, you will not be disappointed in this home, there is plenty to be seen.    

I had to show you this room, why you ask?  Are you kidding me with the pup painting?  I want to have a fun painting like this done of peanut!  I am curious about the hinges on the wall, do you see them?  I wonder if it is like an attic space?  Other rooms in this home have the hinges on the walls as well.  I would like to know the color of paint, it looks great up against the brick wall.  

This area is where the family would be... it's an open area and look... if you do not want to go downstairs to get a drink or snack?  No problem, this home has you covered, the kitchenette will prevent those extra trips downstairs, there is even a small stove and refrigerator.  As long as your imagination can dream it up, you can achieve it in this kitchen area.  
Another surprise we were not expecting, but I like it.  

It feels like two separate living spaces in one home.  I do wonder if one of the bedrooms is on the first floor?  If so, aging out of this home would not happen, you can live downstairs, adult children upstairs.  Aging out of our home was something we considered when we purchased our home.  I guess you think of these things when family members are going through it as well.  

More brick... I would never tire of waking to that every morning.  I like the white and choice of counter color with this brick too.

The high ceiling in this bath is unique, not something I would have expected in this home.  I do like a good surprise... what do you think about the laundry in the bath?  It would be nice to not have to load your laundry up and down the stairs.  We would like to create a mud/laundry room for when we get older to prevent toting laundry up and down stairs.  

I found some different mirrors for this bath.  Do you like the white, or think you would prefer brass rimmed mirrors?  Also, something I noticed later, is that a laundry chute?  I see a small door... hmm...

These closets?  Now that is what I am talking about!  Could you imagine having all of that storage?  I would be in heaven and I doubt I would have an issue filling them either.  This is quite a large bedroom, and I found a small hidey spot when I went through the pictures in this room.  

What do you think about this home?  I think you get a lot of home for this area and the landscaping is spot on.  This home is located at 592 Grant Avenue, Columbus, OH 43206.  It has 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, is 2,643 square feet and is listed for $874,900.  There is a lot I like about this home and personally, I would spend all of my time in that breezeway.  💕

Affiliate links included in this post.  I found a few pieces I think would be very cute in this home.  I do enjoy adding personal touches and envisioning how I would fill a space when looking at homes... do you?  Well, we are off to clear more things out of Mr. Vintage's childhood home.  Who knew what an undertaking this would be?  I really had no idea.  Naïve of me?  Apparently so.  Enjoy your weekend!  

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