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Saturday, June 12, 2021

Flowers, yes we have them!

Black thumb?  No worries, we have one too, but that does not stop us from having some beautiful flowers around here this year.

We have been working on Mr. Vintage's family home, clearing items out for several weekends now.  It is quite an undertaking to clear out nearly 50 years of collections... deciding what we can keep, what we have room for, and unfortunately, what we will need to let go of. 

One doesn’t realize how much you have in a home until you’re going through everything and moving it yourself.  You may find it interesting, but I’m the one who doesn’t want to let go of anything. Vintage finds are amass and my loving vintage heart doesn’t want to let go of any of it.  

Sometimes I have a plan right when I see something what I will do with it, and other times, I have to think on it.  Well, hubby is like make a decision right now... sometimes that is difficult for me, so off it goes!  Then later, I am like, ohhh... I could have done this or that with it.  Makes me sad when it is gone and no way getting it back in my vintage lovin' clutches!     

Last weekend when we came home from working, we noticed some new friends showed up and I was quite surprised because you know I have the blackest thumb there probably ever was...

Is it not beautiful?  For me and my gardening skills? I nearly jumped up and down for joy and screamed to the neighborhood, I did it, I finally did it, I have flowers!  I have not been able to get anything to grow and now we have a "few" flowers.  When we made over the landscaping in our front yard, we planted hydrangeas.  They have not bloomed since they were planted; I have tried everything...  and still nothing.  So this is quite a success for me!

My cousin gave me a start off of these lovelies since she was thinning out her flower beds.  When she asked me if I was interested, I asked if they could make it on their own, or did they need a lot of care?  She said they should be fine, but needed full sun. This is the only place in our yard we get full fun.  She had too many and needed to thin hers out so I reluctantly agreed to take on a few, I felt like someone was trusting me with The Declaration of Independence... I did not want the burden if they did not make it here!  I shared some with my mom because I didn’t want to feel so bad if I couldn’t keep them all alive.  I cannot believe we were able to get them to grow!  

I had to get pics of them because I was so proud and knew I needed to share them with y'all!  My mother, the one who has the greenest thumb of anyone I know, has a daughter who is quite the opposite!  I called her when we got home and I told her all about them.  I know she was laughing on the other side of the phone, but I did not care.  Nothing could burst my bright and shiny bubble!  Just no one!

Three of them are at the back of our property.  And do you know what?  Something else happened, I had another flower pop up inside our flower beds! The leaves are always there, but have never bloomed the entire time we have lived here.  They look a little rough, but maybe Martha Stewart just might rub off on me yet.  HA!  

Are you as surprised as I was?  I am sure you are since I have shared time and time again how black my thumb is.  Let's see what happens with the chicks and hens I purchased.  They are pretty hearty so I am hoping I can plant them and keep them alive too!  Wish me luck, we are off to work more this weekend!  Hope you enjoy your weekend and it is filled with joy!  Seeing my flowers sure makes getting up early and getting a move on easier on a Saturday morning!  

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