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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

A ball-tastic week

Sun bathing, fun in the sun, balls, and laughter is what you will find here this week on peanut's radar... 

This is the life, sunbathing on a Saturday... 

Every time I think peanut has hit maturity, he proves me wrong, but this past week?  He has been laying around and snoozing a lot.  He usually wants to go out several times a day when the weather warms up, because he loves to sunbathe... yep, we have a pooch who loves to sunbathe!

He goes outside and lays in the sun, sometimes he rolls over onto his back and lets his tummy get sun too... this past weekend?  Nope, he did not want to spend all day outside, he would run out, play a little, do his business, and come back in and lay in front of the air vent.  It was pretty hot outside and he decided it was too hot for him too.  Allergies are up and we were miserable this weekend.  We even took a nap on Saturday after we worked on our side project, which we never do.

Last week I ordered balls in bulk, when I say bulk, I only mean 15... I have shared with you before that he loves the NHL street hockey balls and they last so that is always a plus because he is hard on toys.  When you order 15, they came in a large bucket.  When I opened the box, he jumped up and put his paws around my waist trying to get me to give him all of the balls.  I am not sure how he knew what was in the box, but he was super excited! 

Check out my new collar, I am ready for summer!

I waited until hubby came home and then I tipped the bucket over and dumped all of the balls all over the floor.  Oh my goodness!  It was hilarious!  He did not know which one to pick up, he kept running around touching his mouth to each ball, but never picking one up.  He was on ball overload!  Poor thing was so overwhelmed he had no idea which one to pick.  

We laughed so hard, and then me trying to get the balls back in the bucket?  He was having no part of that!  When I would eventually get my hands on a ball and put in the bucket, he would take it back out.  He was pulling them out of the bucket as fast as I could put them back in.  We had a lot of fun... we laughed and said we should buy him a ball pit... can you imagine that one?  I am not sure if that would be fun or not for him.

All wet, oh well... it's time for fun!

The other night I woke up and we had six balls in bed with us!  I told him this is getting out of control... one ball is all you need to get to bed... it is like his security blanket... he is constantly running up and down the stairs bringing more balls to wherever we are in the house.  It cracks us up!  Do you have a pooch this obsessed with their toys?  I have never had a pup who has to bring toys to bed, throughout the night the count grows and eventually I wake up with a hard ball in my knee, or behind my leg... not so much fun when you wake to this.  We love him to pieces including all of his "bad" habits.  

He ended Monday evening with all the barks at the trash can he could muster, he can't let me down on that... I look forward to it every Monday evening... and tomorrow after the trash truck has picked up, he will want to walk down the driveway to get the trash can to bring back up to the house.  He sometimes has to remind me it is Tuesday, he just knows... and will head in that direction and if I say come on, he stands there and looks at me and then down the driveway, then back at me... hey silly, we have to get the trash can mom!  We cannot leave it there, and then I tell him thanks for reminding me... pretty sad when he has to remind me what day it is.  

Isn't it interesting how they just know?  They know what our routine is and know what to expect... I can say he is not one who likes surprises... he likes our daily routine... well, we hope you have a wonderful week!  

Grr... just kidding, I am playing!

Affiliate links included in this post.  Interested in reading more peanut stories?  Click to read: Peanut's wonderful world, We would be lost without our peanut, Peanut story time, I'm a peanut, The one she calls peanut

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