Interested in reading stories about a mischievous pup? We have stories in spades about this peanut that will bring a smile to your face, and you just may laugh out loud.
Peanut got a bath this weekend! Saturday morning the weather was just right, it was hot outside and his new shampoo came that morning too. Wow, I forgot what it was like to give him a bath outside... not so much fun...
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Look at me, look at me... |
If any of our neighbors were looking out their window from their second floor or if a drone flew over us, someone was laughing about this event. I am sure of it... it just wasn't us who was laughing, and it was not as much fun for us either...
Mr. Vintage had him outside playing and I had just so happened to check the front porch and low and behold, a package or three was on the front porch... I opened peanut's package and was really excited that it was the weekend so we could give his new shampoo a try...
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Looks angry, doesn't he... nope, just playing, it's his way of playing... |
As soon as I walked outside with the bottle in hand, he went running immediately in the other direction, away from me... he saw the bottle and thought it was his medicine for his ears... if you ever want to see a pup run super fast, come on over for medicine in the ears day... he absolutely hates it! It takes both of us to put medicine in his ears, a lot of coaxing, coos, I love yous, baby talk, some teeth being shown, rearing back, and then it takes both of us to hold him down with the door shut so he cannot scurry away and find a hiding spot. If he could, he would run to China on those days... he despises medicine in his ears that much...
He goes running, and I knew right away what he thought. I sat the bottle down and walked towards him. At first he was hesitant thinking I was trying to trick him. I gave him his all natural allergy medicine we are trying. It came with his shampoo and there was also a balm to put on his coat for his itchiness.
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Doing a shake of my ears... |
He took the allergy pills like a champ. At first I thought there was going to be an issue because he spit it back out in the grass. Looked at it, then picked it back up. Whatever is in it, he looked at me like, do you have more, I want more Mommy, now! Good for me he has to take two tablets because of his size so I was only too eager to give up the second pill to appease him.
Mr. Vintage went over to the hose, and guess what, he went running the other way again when he figured out what we were planning. As soon as the water touched him, he was like nu huh parents, this is not happening. I will be a dirty pup, I do not care... I am a boy... boys are dirty, we play in the yard, and FYI I am NOT getting a bath! I do not care what you tell me or how much you love me or how great I am... it ain't happenin' parents...
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I am all wet... waiting to dry out before I can go back inside |
I am trying to hold onto his leash, of course once it got wet, it was pretty slippery... and trying to hold onto a 62 pound pup who is strong as an ox in place all while he acts like he is trying out for the rodeo circuit and showcasing his bucking bronco moves... I am just praying we can end this on a good note for the day...
At this point, we are only trying to wet him down a little bit to get him used to the idea of the bath outside... I get a microfiber towel and put the shampoo on it and start trying to wash him, he lays down, which is his classic move of "I am going to go limp and you will not be able to do anything parents", and "if you do decide to do something then I am in the perfect position to retaliate"... I told him that is ok, I will wash your belly and then all will be good in your world... he wasn't amused... AT ALL!
When he found that we were not going to give up, he was like okay I guess I am out numbered here and I will have to get this darn bath... I kept washing him down and daddy was trying to get the soap out of his coat... he was TICKED about the more water he was being doused with... he was pulling and shaking his head, the temper tantrum of all temper tantrums like the toddler you see at the super market and you just smile at the parent to silently communicate you feel their pain... it was bad, with a capital B!
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Hey Mom look, only one foot on the ground! |
At this point, we are just trying to hurry up and get this over with because we were both soaked, my feet were sliding around in my shoes and I was having difficulty keeping my footing... he is rearing back... and we are trying to keep a hold of him and the hose... all the while of keeping things on track, i.e. get the soap outta his darn hair, ASAP!
Finally... I said I think we have all had enough! He ran to the door and wanted to go inside and I said nope, you are soaking wet! No way are you going in right now. I had another microfiber towel and I was attempting to get the excess water off of him. We decided we would just sit outside and let him dry out. He decided when everything calmed down a bit, he wanted to play and he was ready and rearing to go!
I was able to get some great pictures of him and let me tell you, he played HARD! He looked at us like, look parents, you traumatized me and now, this is going to go my way... we are playing and we are doing it until I have decided we are done! Oh and by the way, I am going to roll around in the grass despite just having my bath! So there parents, what do you think about that?
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Oh I am rebellious alright... rolling in the grass after bath time |
After bath time, he got his new collar, it has stars on it so he is all ready for Memorial Day and 4th of July! We had to trade his tags to the new collar... while hubby was working on putting the tags on the new collar, he sat patiently awaiting his collar placement... I doubt he would let anyone know, but I think he is feeling much better with the bath and new collar, and probably slightly happy we made him do it... but if you ask him, I am sure he would tell you that we are the worst! How we attempted to drown him in the backyard, and how he had to fight for his life... and how lucky he is to tell another tale some day soon on our blog...
When he had his collar and bath, he came into the tv room and watched Bluey on Disney... this kid, I tell you, he is quite the ornery pup, but you know what... he keeps us entertained, laughing, and looking forward to what he will do next because you just never know what that might be!
Sporting my new collar |
Take a look at other stories about our peanut... I am sure he will have you shaking your head wondering why he does some of the things he does... if you figure it out, let us know because in all of my years having pups, he is by far the most interesting personality I have come across! Click to read: Peanut's corner of the world, Peanut's spoiled ways, Peanut Musings, I'm a peanut, Mischievous behaviors.