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Friday, April 23, 2021

Spring Inspiration

Searching for spring inspiration for your home?  We have a unique way to bring spring into your home by the mantel.  

This fireplace grate was inherited from another property Mr. Vintage has.  I thought it was a pretty unique piece when he showed it to me.  We used it as a doggie gate for a while to block off rooms peanut was not allowed in. It is super heavy, and I am no longer able to lift it all of the time and move it around.  I thought it had beauty, but we already have the stained glass piece in front of our mantel so I didn't think it would end up in our living room.

It has been sitting in our spare bedroom for a while now that peanut is allowed to roam around our home while I am here.  The other day as I was ending my work day, I walked by it and wondered what I could do with it.  I hate to let things just sit around, I like to beautify them in my own way.  When I got ready to take my lunch the next day I passed some roses I had and thought hmmm... maybe I could incorporate the roses somehow with the fireplace screen...

Then I took a rose and placed it in behind one of the lattice like wrought iron pieces and thought hmm... doesn't look too bad.  I decided last night I would make over this wrought iron piece... I am not sure where some of these ideas come from, but I do love roses... they are one of my favorite flowers.  I am a classic flower lover, roses, hydrangeas, and peonies are my three favorite flowers!

I continued to add roses in blush and pink all over the grate.  I really liked the spring make over this piece received.  

I continued to add roses until I achieved a look I liked.  I thought it added a little elegance to the wrought iron fireplace screen.  It seemed to make the wrought iron softer if that makes sense?   

We use this light behind our other fireplace screen to light up the stained glass when we actually get to relax in our living room on some evenings... or holidays.  Mr. Vintage would tell you that he is only allowed in this room on Christmas day...  It's not true, but I laugh every time he tells someone this.  It is the one room where everything stays nice and neat and no peanut allowed.  I can make it as girly as I want to... so I take full advantage of the situation.    

I will say I like my stained glass fireplace screen better in front of the fireplace though.  This was something I wanted to try, and I did say I would share all of my ideas with y'all.  I do like it, but I just need to find the best place for it.  

What do you think?  Do you like the roses added to this piece or leave as is?  Of course, if we were using this fireplace screen in front of a real fire, we would not be able to leave the roses in the screen since they would melt, but that does not stop me from making it over.  We have some work to do on the fireplace before it is functional.  Things get pushed back when you begin making lists and other things seem to crop up, not in the plans at all, but necessary to do... funny how life throws those wrenches in your plans at times.  Take those lemons and make 'em lemonade...   

Another look for spring to share with you.  I may use it as a doggie gate again.  It was by far the prettiest doggie gate I had ever seen, but it was so heavy I could not lift it repeatedly throughout the day.  He was not able to knock it over and it was freestanding which I liked.  I am always remaking items for various uses as I am sure you know by now.  Now for the perfect doorway that gets little traffic so I do not need to lift it daily... maybe it is the perfect gate for the living room after all...  

In case you were wondering was I always making things over before I began this blog?  The answer is yes... Mr. Vintage would come home and say well peanut, she has been at it again.  He has asked me if I ever just sit down and relax.  The answer is not really, my mind is always working... decorating is my way of relaxing.  I love to see what I can come up with and I enjoy a challenge.  Sometimes there are so many ideas swirling around that I get sidetracked and seem to complete nothing at all.  This is what I love and it is what makes me smile from ear to ear when the plan finally comes to fruition, especially those bigger plans that I am never quite sure will work, like the backsplash, we just jumped right in and said let's give this a shot.  I am so glad we did.  It has made spending time in the kitchen more enjoyable, I still smile when I look at my most favorite pattern.  

Have you seen a grate like this before?  I had not previously seen a fireplace screen like this one.  He is unsure where it came from, it was in the basement and I decided it was coming home with us.  I had an idea at Christmas to display Christmas cards in it, but I nixed the idea, I think the roses were the right path for now.  Hope you enjoy your weekend, do you have any fun plans?  I am looking forward to a little R&R... or as much as I can at least... I am looking forward to a small project to share with you tomorrow.  Think bathroom... just a small way to make you smile, or at least it makes me smile.  Am I the only one who smiles when I open our bathroom closet and our bedroom closet everyday because of the small touches we add making this our home?  It's really the small things in life... 



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