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Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Peanut story time

Searching for uplifting, mischievous, stories to brighten your day?  Well, one peanut here sure does the trick for us, we hope you will agree.  

Would you believe me if I told you that peanut has been pretty good this past week?  I know, I cannot believe it either!  Since we changed his diet and he is no longer eating chicken, he has been pretty mellow.  I am in no way saying that had anything to do with his behaviors... but it is kind of a coincidence.  

Don't worry, he still has his defiant streak in him... I doubt that will ever leave him, but he has been sleeping more and being lazy... maybe we are over the hump of the terrible two's?  I am not counting my chicks before they hatch... he just turned two on December 25th!  

He has not left my side here lately.  When I work my day job, he lays on the bed and either watches me work, sleeps, or tells me how bored he is.  The other day I heard a rustling on the bed and when I turned around, he stopped whatever he was doing... looked at me like, you can turn back around mommy, I am doing nuffin'...   I could not tell if he was doing anything or not so I turned around and went back to work.  I hear him again, I stop and turn around and look... he stops what he is doing and watches me out of the corner of his eye, like is she lookin' at me?  I turned around and went back to work, and then he fell asleep... He is so darn smart!  I often wonder if he is really a dog? 

He is my little sidekick and I tell you, he thinks he has to protect me too.  Mr. Vintage and I were having a discussion about sports.  It became a pretty heated debate, and do you know this little peanut stands in front of me and starts barking at Mr. Vintage?  He would not stop until we stopped talking... it was hilarious!  I told him, good boy for being on mommy's side!  He then stopped and sat in front of me and was like I have my eye on you daddy!  We laughed so hard!  Mr. Vintage told him at least I know you will always be there to protect your mom!

I was able to trick him this past week in taking his medicine.  The heartworm pill he loves, gobbles it right up.  The flea and tick?  Not to much, it is usually a battle to get him to take it.  This time around, I took a piece of bread, slathered peanut butter on it, and placed the pill in the center and folded it up all around it.  I was afraid once he began chewing, he would spit it out, but luckily, momma was smart, I had back-up and had another small piece to give him.  His eyes were large and focused on the next piece so I had smooth sailing this month... he gobbled it all up!  Win for us!  

We have also discovered the best way to get him to take his allergy pills.  Every morning I split the 3 capsules open and sprinkle out the powder on a paper plate, then I put his pumpkin on the plate and mix in a little peanut butter... gets him every time.  I am thankful we have discovered what he likes since it makes most every morning a little easier for me before I start work.   

Did you see him playing with his new bed above?  Oh, it is wrecked already... I thought with his new grown up self, he could handle a bed and I was so wrong... nope, chewed a hole, started ripping out the stuffing, and tried to eat it... so maybe this week wasn't the best, but it is improvement for him, as I chuckle to myself, because folks this is improvement!  

I guess we will shelf the bed until... well, I am not sure he will ever be able to have one.  That kind of makes me sad since I think every dog should have one, but at the same time, he thinks our bed is his so why would he care about an itty bitty bed?  I must be the crazy one here, he has it all planned out! We just live here, the house is actually his!




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  1. Haha!! I love that he was protecting you during your sweet!! I miss having pets around the house...but not enough to get anymore. 😉 At least not right now!

    1. Aww... I am not sure what I would do without him... I did not think I could do it again, but here we are. You may surprise yourself and really enjoy having a sidekick around... I know I would be lost.

  2. So cute, they are fun to watch and play with. Our dog Dusty never chewed his bed, but would chew up his stuffed toys. He was only allowed kongs or hard rubber toys.

    1. We understand. He is not able to have anything soft, he will eat it all! It all has to be hard rubber for this kid.... he will even eat that if he can get it loose. We have to watch him like a hawk!

