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Saturday, March 27, 2021

How to choose new lamps

Searching for lamps?  Here are some things to consider when looking for lamps for your home.

After many months of searching the internet for the perfect pair of lamps, I finally chose a pair!  I love them!  Who knew so much energy went into picking out lamps?

I wanted a lamp that would put out a lot of light in our den since it is kind of dark in there.  The taller the lamp, the more light it will put out in the room.  This is actually a bedroom, but we do not need three bedrooms so we decided to make this our family room/den.  This "bedroom" does not have an overhead light in it.  Crazy huh?  That is what we thought when we bought our home.  None of the bedrooms had overhead lights!  We had them installed upstairs, but contractors talked about wanting to rip up the hardwood floors upstairs to install lighting on the first floor and we promptly said no thanks, we will use lamps.      

I wanted a classic style that would be in style for years to come. If you look at our Shop my Style page, you can see I like a lot of different styles, especially when it comes to lamps... if you recall I did say it takes me a while to make a decision.  Mr. Vintage even commented, they are lamps, make a decision already... of course, I did not let that deter me on my journey of the perfect lamp, ha!

I think stain glass lamps are timeless, but have you noticed that many are shorter lamps?  A shorter lamp would not put out the light I was searching for so I passed on them.  Believe me, I kept going back to them over and over because I love them, but in the end I decided against them.  I loved the wicker lampshades... I thought they really had that cottage vibe I so love... but I went with an urn style lamp... it is a timeless look.   

The color may surprise you, it actually surprised me.  I kept going back to the color though, blue, it’s a subtle blue, but caught my eye... I loved the shape, and finally I was very fond of the base that has a wood look to it.  Brass and chrome come and go over the years, but I feel wood is always in style.  It is a natural element.  

I would love to tell you that these lamps are actually made from wood, but alas they are not, they are resin. I tried to find wood, I had something in my mind, actually an urn like lamp made from wood, but I could not find them anywhere.  I looked everywhere for them... sometimes what I picture in my mind just is not available for sale.  I even asked Mr. Vintage if we could make lamps, he was quick to tell me we do not have the woodworking tools to make them.  So, back to the drawing board I went. 

I wanted a lamp that came with a shade.  I have tried looking for a shade that fits a lamp I had already purchased...  not an easy feat...  Have you done this?  Don't you think it is a pain too?  You do not have the lamp with you when you are out shopping, and you search high and low for a shade that you think will work... it's like Goldilocks and the Three Bears... a too big or too small shade will make the lamp look all wrong.  It was a disaster the last time I tried this.  It was a lot of going back and forth to many stores, buying and returning shades.  I did not want to go through that this time around and decided to opt for the easier route.

I also knew I wanted a linen look shade and color.  Our walls are painted Crumb Cookie and white would look washed out with the walls this color.  I did not want a dark shade since everything in our den is lighter in color...    

Remember when I told you that when I love something, I love it forever?  Even something as small as a lamp, I want it to stick around for a while around here, I cannot see wasting money if I just take my time in making a decision.  I learned this through my 20's and 30's and like to think I am brighter in my 40's... so here you go... the lamps we chose...

What do you think?  Do you agree it is perfect for our room?  Classic lines, classic blue color that goes with about everything... I also got some more milk glass hobnail pieces out.  You know, I have another ashtray or is it a cheese tray, lol with a bowl inside of it.  The rose is a candle I placed inside the bowl.  Kind of plain for me, but I really am enjoying the simplicity of this table now.  There is not a lot of "things" sitting around.  

Do you want to see something embarrassing?  This table was terribly dusty!  I could not believe all of the dust left behind when I removed all of the pieces I had on it before.  Quite sad actually... but it seems other things are more important so dusting gets pushed to the back burner a lot.  

Yuck!  So I got out the Howard Feed-n-Wax again and used it on our end table.  I also took a picture of the half and half point.

The deeper shades in the table start to come out the more you apply to the wood.  I have not used it on this piece before, I usually use it on my older pieces, but since I was happy with the results on the kitchen cabinets, I decided to go full steam ahead...

I even made sure to get into the nook and cranny details of the wood with this product.  You can see they applied a wax to the detail below to bring your eye to the carved detail work of the tables.  

Here is a close up of the lamp and table.  The table is looking new... and I am tickled with our lamps...

As you can see, I have been busy ordering lately... it's been fun trying new things and remaking some aspects of our rooms.  Sometimes you just need a pick me up... what better time of year to do this than spring... and you never need to twist my arm too much to shop.  If I could find a job shopping all day, I would be set!    

Interested in seeing more milk glass hobnail pieces?  You can see more pieces in:

I do love milk glass!  It is timeless and always seems to go with everything.  I have found pieces on Amazon, Ebay, local antique stores, thrift shops... I have had to slow down in the collecting department... too many pieces and not enough space... 

Do you have collections of items?  If so, what do you collect?  I am always curious what others collect and their reasoning for it.  I have gathered many things over the years... I think it all started with a bear collection I had as a child.  My friends and family knew I liked bears so they kept buying them for me.  I had stuffed bears, ceramic bears, Christmas bears, Care Bears... the list went on... Now, I am not collecting anything... I think I have enough, and it just collects dust anyway.  I am trying to simplify our lives now and pair down, life is busy enough, although you may say to yourself looks like you have plenty of things Cara. The secret is, I purchased totes so I can put some of my things away, and change up décor when I need to see something new.  

My tastes have changed slightly over the years, I must admit, not much, but there has been a slight change.  I have been mindful to collect pieces I felt were timeless.  My mom collected ducks many years ago... remember the 80's country phase?  She had ducks everywhere in her kitchen... duck toaster, duck clock, towels, ducks sitting around on display, everywhere you looked D-U-C-K-S!  I remember when she outgrew the duck phase her saying, why did I put ducks everywhere?  Then, I knew I wanted to be mindful and only collect items I really loved.  Don't get me wrong, I have made a few unwise choices, but now, I like to think I have learned from my mistakes...  😉  

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