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Thursday, February 11, 2021

Why I decided to purchase the Kindle Unlimited app

Do you enjoy reading? I have always loved books... I have heard my mother tell family members how she could not deny buying books for me... I would always ask for one at the check out counter when I was a child.  I wanted books over toys any day of the week.  I would curl up and listen to her read stories to me, and then once I began to learn to read myself, I found I would get lost in whatever I was reading.

If I heard something and did not know what it meant, I would look it up.  Library day was my favorite day of the week in elementary school... I recall hearing about witchcraft during Halloween and so instead of asking an adult what it was, I checked out a book at the school library.  I recall getting into some trouble when my mother found said book, asking why I was reading it.  I told her, I wanted to know what it was about... I had to return it the next day... but I tried to soak up as much as I could before that book went back, I was curious about what a group of older girls were discussing... curiosity, it moves me and makes me dig deeper into things to see what I can learn...  

For me, walking into a library was like losing myself... you never know where each story will take you... Neverland and pirate fights, a spider who talks and spins webs of words, the tree that gives until it no longer has anything to give but a stump to sit on, a pooh bear who has many adventures with his friends... oh, a walk back into childhood, do you remember how those stories made you feel, what you learned... did you picture it in your mind as the story unfolded?  That was my favorite part, imaging what everything looked like... I had quite an active imagination. 

To this day I enjoy reading... I am a total book worm.... I enjoy learning, and being entertained, and figuring out mysteries, and seeing how things come together... and I still use my imagination as to what everything looks like... I have always thought if I stop learning, then I stop living... I will be a student for life... reading is how I learn, escape, see things from other's perspective... it goes on and on...

After a couple of years of buying books from Amazon, I finally gave in and joined with a monthly Kindle Unlimited membership.  I kept noticing when I would go to buy a book, it would indicate free if I had an unlimited membership.  After thinking about it for way too long, I finally decided to buy a month and see how it went.  You can purchase a month to month membership which is what I started with.  That first month, I know I read at least 20 books.  I would finish one and then begin reading the next feeling like I needed to get my money's worth.  I continued with my membership for about a year and a half month by month. 

About 6 months ago, I received an offer where I could purchase two years of Kindle Unlimited membership.  The first time it was offered, I let it go, then the second time, I jumped on it.  Reading is how I relax before bed and I read a LOT... for me it was a no brainer.  I still keep reading one book after another... I am still happy with my membership... there are millions of books to choose from, if you decide to take the plunge like I did, you will not be unhappy about it.  

If you enjoy going back to childhood, did you know you can read Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein for free in the Kindle Unlimited app?  My first grade teacher, Mrs. Justus would read a poem out of this book every week, we of course, chose "Sick" most every Friday afternoon before the school day would end.  I remember that like it was yesterday, I even had the whole poem memorized at one point in time... I can recall certain parts, but I cannot recite it now.  Just thinking about that time in my life warms my heart.

Where the sidewalk ends

Fairest of All: A Tale of the Wicked Queen by Serena Valentino (who has an entire series of all of the evils from our childhood) is another book you can read for free with the Kindle Unlimited app.  I have this one in my list to start next when I finish my current read, I did see where they are recommended for fifth grade and up. I’m feeling like a little fantasy to add to my reading next... and a throw back to being a kid again, sometimes I think we need that. I do it every now then to keep me on my toes... and stay in the mind set of Peter Pan of never wanting to grow up.  I like to think it keeps us young... Lol. 

You can bring back your childhood by reading these stories for yourself, or let your own children get lost in fantasy seeing what they imagine in their mind.  There are so many choices to choose from!  I have enjoyed my membership so if you were on the fence I can definitely recommend it.  I have yet to be disappointed!    

It was nice taking a little trip down memory lane with you tonight and thinking about some of the books that caused me to be the book lover I am.  Were you taken down the same road?  Did this ignite memories of the past where life was much simpler?  Oh to be young, and enjoy it all over again... would we change a thing?  

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