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Saturday, February 6, 2021

How to relax by painting

How to paint by numbers

A family member asked how I was coming along on the bird paint by numbers the other day. In case you are interested, progress is slow.... do you see those itty bitty spaces to paint?  It takes time and sometimes my hand cramps up painting for longer periods of time.  I will say I am still enjoying it when I have time to paint.  It is relaxing, when you have to focus on those small areas, I clear my brain of everything else and focus on just painting which is really nice.  

Paint by numbers bird painting
I will say that painting the smaller areas are by far more favorable in my opinion than the larger areas.  I feel like I have more control over the small paint brushes provided than the larger ones.

Paint by numbers pinecones
Anyone else have issues shutting their brains down?  I have struggled with that for many years.  It just never stops, I have difficulty sleeping, ideas are always floating around my mind... work, projects, how to do something I have been thinking about, the pup, life, our home... it goes on and on...  

Christmas paint by numbers
I will say that painting has made me just focus on one task and one task only.  It is kind of nice... so it is my "me" time.  I turn on Doris Day, Peanut lays under the dining room table while I paint and he chews till his heart's content.  It's a win, win for both of us.  Friday nights are usually our paint night.  

Paint by numbers with paintbrush
If you struggle with anything I mentioned above, I highly recommend trying this.  Or if you are just looking for a new hobby, give it a try.  I cannot draw or paint to save my life so I am looking forward to something I painted, can frame, hang on the wall, and call my own!  I do have to say, I think I will look for a new paint by numbers when this one is completed.  It has to be cheaper than therapy, right?  HA!  Seriously though, I am really enjoying it.  

Painting of pine cone and greenery

Paint by numbers in progress

Paint by numbers birds on a tree limb

Paint by numbers with painting pots

Everything you need to get started... all I had to do was remove the canvas, paints, and brushes from the round cardboard tube and get started.  Match up the numbers on the canvas to the numbers on the paint pots and that is about all of the thinking you need to do to begin this project.  Other than that, let your thoughts fly from your mind while you enjoy taking some time to yourself.  


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  1. Oh, I love this and I agree 100%, paint by numbers is awesome. It's very relaxing, I've recently become an addict. My only dilemma, is where to put them all!

    1. Thank you! I can see where I may have issue with wall space once I have a few under my belt, but I have really enjoyed it so far. It is my Friday reward after a long week at work! :) Thank you for your comment!

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