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Saturday, January 9, 2021

Nightlight in the entryway

Searching for how to make a nightlight for your home?  We have a unique take on how to make a nightlight for the entryway.

When I took down the garland, I realized how much I was going to miss that light at night without flipping a switch.  My husband brought home this antique crate and I decided I wanted it in our entryway, but I was unsure what I was going to do with it.  

He knows how much I love using items for different uses and thought I could do something with it.  I was stumped for a few days and thought about it.  

I knew it definitely needed a good cleaning.

I cleaned it with a microfiber towel and a little bit of Murphy's Oil Soap.  Then I rubbed in cutting board oil I purchased from Amazon to get some oil back into the wood.  As you can see it was pretty dried out.

The wood grain started to look a little brighter and I felt like the life was starting to come back to it. 

If you cannot locate a vintage crate, here is a link to a set of crates you could do the same thing with.  

Since I missed the lights from the garland in the entry, I decided to put the strand of lights inside the crate.  I plugged it in and loved the light, but it needed something else so I went through my stash...

I found another garland not quite as large as the one that was down our steps I purchased last year after Christmas for $5.00 from Walmart.  I wound it into a tight circle.  

Then placed it down inside the crate on top of the string of lights.  I knew it still needed something though.  I tried a few different things, the bucket of flowers below, but felt it looked awkward.  I kept working with it and trying different things.  

Don't be afraid of trying something new.  I keep working with items and sometimes I think on it for a few days.  I am not afraid of making mistakes, I have gotten some really good ideas from making mistakes!  LOL

I did not care for this one much, it looked awkward, don't you think?  

I had this tree I purchased last year from Target for $5.00.  Since covid hit, I never made it out this year to see the after Christmas sales which makes me so sad, but I just keep working with what I have around the house.  

I enjoy coming up with new ideas and had a friend suggest I try blogging to inspire others.  According to her, I can stretch a dollar, so here I am... I've never written a blog or done anything like this before... 

I am still learning, work a day job, and enjoy doing this in my free time so I can get my ideas out there for others, and to make new friends who enjoy decorating as much as I do!  

What do you think?  I think it will hold me through the winter.  I will have to come up with something else in the spring.  It gives off enough light so the steps are able to be seen without turning the light on and waking the entire house when I get up.  I really enjoy dreaming up new projects and trying them out to see what I can come up with.  

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