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Monday, January 11, 2021

Little Red Truck

I love my little red truck (similar one found here)... it is out a good part of the year because it makes me smile.  I enjoy doing different things with it.  In the fall, I put small pumpkins in it, it came with 3 little trees which I have put in the bed of the truck, I have also put small flowers in it.  Today I wanted to come up with something different so I threw this together.  

I coiled up a garland I was getting ready to put away and put in the bed of the truck and then took my mercury glass tree and placed it in the bed of the truck in the middle of the garland.  I wasn't ready to put it away so I tried something new with the truck.  It pops up everywhere around here depending on what I feel like doing with it.  If I could ever have a truck like this to drive, I would be in heaven.  I love vintage cars and trucks, imagine that... vintage really does follow me around everywhere I go... hence the name Vintage Style Gal.  😉

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