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Sunday, November 29, 2020

Tree skirt ideas...

 Tree skirts... am I the only one who thinks these things are kind of high?  Yes, you can find them after Christmas for decent prices, but what do you do when your pup chews yours up before the holiday gets here and you have to improvise?  You get inventive is what you do... 

Why yes, he chewed it and not just a little bit, I was not able to turn it around and make do for the rest of the season... he even ate the sequence on it.  I was so angry with him after I knew he was ok.  He can really burn my biscuits some days... it's a wonder I am still sane with some of his shenanigan's (I guess the jury may still be out on that though).

Our attic is an organized chaos of totes labeled all sorts of things: Christmas, fall, spring, summer, outside, inside décor... you get the idea. I was going through everything I could to see what I could come up with for a new tree skirt in a pinch.  I found some ivory tulle we used in our wedding.  I wrapped it around the bottom of the tree and there you have it, a simple tree skirt.  I have my eye on an ivory fur tree skirt after Christmas, so in a pinch, you can come up with something else with a little creativity and this one cost me nothing since I already had the tulle.  

I have used blankets for tree skirts, thrown pillows under the tree, a throw with pups on it, Peanuts blanket, my little red truck that has become so popular... a white sheet.  You can really use anything depending on the look you are going for.  Don't be afraid to let your hair down and do what you love.  Get crazy with your décor, do what makes you happy.  Life is too short not to enjoy every day, especially in these crazy times.  If just one person reads my thoughts and gets inspired to do what makes them happy then my work here is done.  I will take that as a win!    


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