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Saturday, November 14, 2020

Loving the “Fancy Pants” parts of life..

Searching caviar taste on a a budget?  You are in the right place if you have caviar taste on a budget because we have the same taste. 

Have you heard champagne taste on a beer budget similar phrases?  Expensive taste meaning we do not have the budget to back up our lavish taste.  We do enjoy trying to create that caviar look on a small budget though.

French provincial coffee table with decorative pieces on top

It’s true, sometimes my tastes are far more extravagant than my budget. I like to think many of us have this issue, and I am not the only one out there trying to make our home look expensive, but not always the budget to back it up. 

I absolutely love what I like to call “Fancy Pants Things” (FPT). I comb the internet looking at homes from a time far before I was ever born (something that drives my husband crazy). Any other Downton Abbey fans out there? Be still my heart... 

A time when homes were well made, corners were not cut, and so much thought and attention to detail went into a home...  those things alone get my blood pumping, a wild frenzy in my brain, and the creative juices flowing.  

I am always looking for ideas and began following many blogs to satiate my love of all things fancy pants.  I never thought I would try my hand at writing my own blog, but here I am.  I thought why not?  

One, I can offer someone ideas to bring a little fancy to their home on an itty bitty budget. And two, I feel like I need a creative outlet through this pandemic.  These are trying times and if I can pour some creative ideas into others while keeping my own sanity (questionable) then I want to give this a go, so let's get this under way... 

I appreciate all bloggers and insight into their homes, I just do not always think their budget quite fits into my budget.  Don't get me wrong, I have high expectations of what I want my home to look like, but I also like to keep the cost down.  I do want to retire tomorrow some day, don't we all?  My daily grind is by far my dream job, I mean how many us of get to work our dream job everyday?  Maybe some day... dreams, they keep us young at heart, right?   

So back to my love of fancy pants things... I REALLY love a good deal or a very creative way of getting what I want with the smallest budget I can get it.  I am drawn to anything with curves, detail, scrolls, really anything out of the ordinary.  You just never know what I may come up with.  I tend to look for inspiration in some different places.  Zillow and are excellent places to see how people live and decorate their homes.  I tend to choose established areas where older homes are located.  If you love looking at mansions and something I could never afford, take a look at homes for sale in the Bexley, Ohio area.  WOW!  You will see the detail and love built into many of those homes.  

So finally, I’ll let you in on a little secret, the candlesticks and decorative pieces on our coffee table?  I have spent less than $10.00, total project.  When hubs and I were planning our wedding, we spent a lot of time in thrift stores.  We knew what look we were going for, you know the expensive look with a nonexistent meager budget.  

We actually found the candlesticks for $3.99 a piece.  They are very heavy, and I love them!  The other pieces?  Came a little later, but would you believe they are large Christmas ornaments from Hobby Lobby!  I bought them after Christmas when they were about to clear the shelves.  The ornaments were $1.99 for both!  I turned them upside down and put a little sticky tack in the bottom of the candlestick and pushed the top of the ornament into the candlestick holder.  Now, $10.00 I can afford.  My hope was they would look like expensive pieces in my living room.  What do you think?       

Silver candlestick with decorative ornament in it

We have actually had people comment on them and think the ornaments are fine antiques and ask what they are.  I tend to laugh when I get the question since all they are is an ornament.  It does tickle my fancy though when individuals think high end fine antiques.  It was the look I was going for afterall!  

Are you wondering about the cedar greenery?  Napkin rings!  Yes, they are faux cedar napkin rings.  I love pushing the boundaries of creativity in order to get the most bang for my buck!    

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