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Friday, November 27, 2020

The Jolly Ball - for your pup


We have a very active pup in our household.  He is always on the go, always into something, and always demanding something from his parents.  Yes, we are those weird people who say he is our four legged child.  

If you have an active pup, you may want to consider a Jolly Ball.  He loves it!  If you read our story about our little peanut, you know he was supposed to be much larger, but he has a blast with this ball regardless.

Those short Beagle legs are so cute... 

He chases this ball until he cannot go any further and just lays down when he needs a break, gets back up and does it all over again.  He herds the ball, running it in circles, making me dizzy watching him.  

We love that his tail looks like it was dipped in black paint, his German Shepherd coloring coming out... 

A friend from work told me about this ball.  He uses it with his Mastiff's.  He also knows someone who purchased it for his horses to run in the field with.

This little guy stole our hearts the night he came home, despite his mischievous behaviors.  You can read more about him here, here, and here

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